Great talk with a friend who is in a similar situation as mine. - TopicsExpress


Great talk with a friend who is in a similar situation as mine. Its great to know I have inspired someone to tackle their own weight issue head on and in a logical fashion. Its not easy being fat. People often just play it off as oh hes the fat guy it takes courage to stand up and say This is it and the change happens now. Baby steps, pound by pound and inch by inch. Weight loss has become a central topic for many people, but too many are quick to put it off as genetics, or make excuses. Getting in the gym is great, but the change needs to happen inside before it can happen outside. Its intimidating going to a store to buy clothes to go to the gym and not being able to find any. Then you finally go to the gym and you are fatter, slower, weaker and less experienced than everyone else in there and they all view you with disregard as the newbie, fatty who will only be there for the first free week your gym is offering you. There are very very few people who would welcome a fat person with open arms in a gym, show them what to do and help them with what they need to get started, and this is one of the reasons so few people go. There has been a surge of fat gyms where skinny people are not allowed for this very reason. Shows based on weight loss have become hugely popular in the past 5 years with The Biggest Loser being a favorite among many of my friends here in Costa Rica. I am embarking on a personal journey of transformation, it is as much physical as spiritual, emotional and everything else. I am tired of being viewed as the fat guy that shreds on the longboard I dont want to sink my kayak ever again ( This happened 3 months ago - I literally sunk a kayak rated for someone who was 300 lbs- Part of it was windy conditions, part of it was my weight ) To everyone who knows me, thank you for being supportive and helping me along. To those who do not know me and struggle with weight issues - they can be changed, you need to want it. It will not happen on a couch, you cant take a pill. You need to make a conscious decision every time you lift your fork: putting good food in your mouth, or putting overly starchy, salty, MSG laden, processed, EASY food in your mouth, or something that will help your body do what you want it to do. You need to sweat your ass off and not drink a coke after, you need to be uncomfortable, sweaty, cramped, but it all pays off at the end of the day. When you need to go buy new clothes because you are SMALLER instead of bigger, its a great feeling. When I was 16 I wore size 36, 10 years later I was wearing size 44. THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!!!! I am creeping back down on the scale and on the waist band. I am surfing more, fishing more, riding my bike more, eating the right stuff, and drinking WATER! Thanks George W Cole III for reaching out and making me realize why I am doing this. Thanks to everyone else who has been supportive in the past and has continued to be supportive of me. Thank you Tatiana Gonzalez Castro for being a loving and caring wife. Thank you Owen Atkey for being an awesome Dad. Thank you Chito Atkey for being in Sumatra and never checking your facebook and being an awesome brother. I am signing up for a bike race on the 24th of this month and Im excited about it. I know it will be tough for me to complete it but its a challenge I am looking forward to. Thank you to everyone. #coreco #fatbike #weightloss #motivation #getfit #lifestylechange #gohard #paleo #paleodiet
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:19:20 +0000

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