Greatest comment ever... Dear Chief Smith, Some news - TopicsExpress


Greatest comment ever... Dear Chief Smith, Some news accounts have recently portrayed in a negative light the arrest of a man by your officers for refusing to identify himself as he sat peacefully outside a store for 10 minutes, waiting for his young children to get out of school. I reckon you are getting some criticism for this arrest. The purpose of this letter is to counter that, support your departments action, and to volunteer to help you get state laws changed so that you will not run into similar problems again. In the incident in question, a black man sat down outside the store. He did not shout, or talk to anyone or gesticulate or take any other action, he was merely sitting. But naturally, the store clerk became concerned, just as your own department would if a black man sat down peacefully outside the front door of police headquarters. This was obviously an attempt by a racial minority to scare away racial-majority customers from a private business, because many whites consider blacks (particular black males) to be frightening. In that sense, this was playing a race card while engaging in anticompetitive activities, which are a violation of federal antitrust laws. He may have even been hired by a competing business to sit outside the competition. So there is all the justification you need for your white officer to go up to him an demand the peacefully sitting black mans name. You were investigating a violation of federal law. Get it? Now, the guy amiably refused to give his name, and he moved on, too. Congrats to your officers for not settling for this. Instead they followed him and, once there were three officers surrounding him, they effected an arrested and handcuffed and Tased him in front of his kids. This was a smart move because after the words gets around about this, it will keep other black men from peacefully sitting down outside white-owned businesses. I mean, we dont want to let this practice get out of hand, eh? The fact that he was later found with a small amount of marijuana is only icing on the cake! Still you are faced with the problem of Minnesota law, which does not require people who have broken no laws to identify themselves to the police upon the officers request. I will help you change that law by volunteering to come to the Minnesota legislature and testify in favor of legislation that requires black men to identify themselves upon the demand of sworn Minnesota law enforcement officers. I can probably get my dear friend, Rep. Michele Bachmann, to testify in support of that law, too. As you know, her opinion carries great weight in the Minnesota legislature. Just let me know when the Black Men Have To Show ID Act comes up for a hearing and I will fly into St. Paul to testify for that bill. I will round up Michele and take her out for a few drinks before the hearing so that she will be particularly animated during her testimony. As you have seen from her many appearances on national TV, shes always more fun with a few shots of vodka under her belt! Sincerely,
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 07:38:58 +0000

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