Greatest islamic scholar is huzrat aisha bint abu bakr (ra) she - TopicsExpress


Greatest islamic scholar is huzrat aisha bint abu bakr (ra) she was the daughter of huzrat abu bakr (ra) the closest companion of the prophet muhammad sallahu alayhi wasalaam she was the wife of the nabi sallahu alayhi wasalaam she is the mother of the only the nabi sallahu alayhi wasalaam had greater knowledge of islam she spent day in day out learning from him watching him his actions words manners etc and has told us through many narrations after the nabi sallahu alayhi wasalaam death the sahaaba would go to c her for advice and she would talk to them from behind a screen Even tho we know this many ppl ignore her teachings sinply because she is a woman they would rather follow some scholar in saudi who issues fatwas based on his opinion and not the proofs do not ignore her knowledge because she is a woman all of her knowledge came direct from the nabi sallahu alayhi wasalaam just coz she is a woman doesnt mean her knowledge is not valid remember apart fron the nabi sallahu alayhi wasalaam the rest of the ppl in the highest rank of jannah will be women the first person to accept islam was a woman End of the day guys u can choose to ignore her and go by sum scholar in saudi or u can go by huzrat aisha bint abu bakr who had direct contact day in day out with the nabi sallahu alayhi wasalaam i know who i would rather Follow Haroon
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:20:12 +0000

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