Greatest problem in foundation phase By Cecilia Rooke To - TopicsExpress


Greatest problem in foundation phase By Cecilia Rooke To understand tens and units is the most basic requirement for foundation phase. The greatest problem is I have with foundation phase learners, is their ability to distinguish tens and units. To understand tens and units is the most basic requirement for foundation phase. Without this concept learners will not make progress. How to identify the problem? You will know your child has this problem when your child: Turns the tens and units around e.g. he/she writes 73 instead of 37. Does incorrect calculations with the digits e.g. 46+2=66 or 28÷2=24. Does not know what the next rounded number is when counting e.g. does not know what the next number is after ……. 38, 39, ? Some solutions to the problem Left-right distinction. If your child has this problem the first step would be to make sure he can distinguish left and right easily. Remember when teaching left right distinction, always emphasize the learners strong side e.g. if the learner is right handed concentrate on the right hand e.g. tie a ribbon round the right hand or foot. The other hand is left. He/she will get confused if you emphasize both sides. Helping aids. Simple cheap but yet effective solutions to problems always fascinate me. Many years ago when my child was in grade 1, he came home with the homework assignment to take 100 burnt-out matches to school. The following day he came home with these matches tied together with elastics in bundles of ten and had to use them to count in tens. The following weeks these matches were used to make many numbers such as 36 which was 3 bundles of 10 plus 6 matches. To add a number like 7 to this number, 7 matches would be added and another bundle of 10 could be made with 3 remaining units. These matches were small and easy to store either in a big matchbox or bank plastic bag and were always nearby to assist with calculations. Game (2 to 6 players). The following very simple game can be used to practice tens and units. Requirements: You will need 2 blocks and 6 cards. Write the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 on the first block. Write 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the second block. Write the numbers 11 to 16 on the first card, 21 to 26 on the second card, 31 to 36 on the third card, 41 to 46 on the forth, 51 to 56 on the fifth and 61 to 66 on the last. Method: Divide the cards up evenly between the players. Throw the two blocks simultaneously. If the numbers on the blocks makes a number on your card, make a cross on that number. The first person whose numbers have all been crossed out, wins. Enjoy your child.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:11:18 +0000

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