Greek government authorities are on alert after aunion of Greek - TopicsExpress


Greek government authorities are on alert after aunion of Greek army reservists of Special Forcesissued a statement urging the Greek administration to step down and make way for a national unity government. As Keep Talking Greece notes, the statement on the union’ website included 15 demands – including the resignation of the Greek President – and urged people to gather at the infamous Syntagma Square on Saturday. Thestatement was interpreted by some as a call to a “coup d’etat” – denied by the union – but prompted Greece’s Supreme Court to meet to discuss it.The 15 Demands…The announcement of reservists as posted on the website keed-hellas.blogspot“OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE DEFENSE OF OUR COUNTRY.Reservists Special Forces and the Greek people to implementation of Article 120 of the Constitution requires:1. IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION OF GOVERNMENT of the impossibility of providing the people as provided in the Constitution at Work (Article 22), health, education, justice, security.Two. ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL GOVERNMENT PLANS chaired by Supreme Court of personalities on proven outside politics and consultants from the Academy of Athens.Three. SUSPENSION OF APPLICATION NOTICE MNIMONIAKON laws and within two months, with a ban on participation of all citizens who participated in the governments responsible for the current economic situation.4. EXAMINING BOARD of the supreme court and accountability for the HOW and WHO led us to Catastrophic Agreement Memorandum. Establishment of Constitutional Court Effective power impose its will.5. Immediate suspension of dismissal from the State.6. SUSPENSION further TAX for Family Income up to 25.000 €.7. SUSPENSION auctions and bank claims until the Completion Audit of Banks of Certified Public Accountants and accountability.8. Complaint EPACHTHOUS DEBT.9. PROHIBITION OF SALE PUBLIC PROPERTY, Resume Defence Industries.10. DIRECT confiscation German (Retail / Business / Office) FULL COMPENSATION until the Greek government for war reparations and occupation loan.11. BREAK THE LAW ON LIABILITY minister and VOULEFTIKIS ASYLIAS. Regardless of all “THE GREEKS ARE EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW” (Article 4).12. CONTROL assets of those involved in economic positions of government, prosecute illicit enrichment and Efficiency to the State.13. OPERATIONAL CONTROL – LICENSING LEGALITY broadcasters and immediate return to the Greek government debts.14. Protection from Hostile Elongation at AEGEAN, Macedonia, Epirus, Thrace and Cyprus, while suppressing the various groups that see inside.15. REMOVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS with a similar promotion in European countries and the server. EXPORT BAN MONEY Over 20% of the taxable income of such.• The KK PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC INVITED WAIVED as an appropriate time to facilitate desired development of the Greek people.• THESMOS WARRANTOR all of the above may be the ARMED FORCES OF THE COUNTRY AS POWERFUL ANIDIOTELIS ENTITY TO ANY THREAT.• Bodies SECURITY REQUIRED TO SECURING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ABOVE AND SMOOTH MIGRATION IN ACTUAL constitutional legality. ” More From the GuardianNo country has displayed more of a “backslide in democracy” than Greece, the British thinktank Demos has said in a study highlighting the crisis-plagued country’s slide into economic, social and political disarray.Released on the same day that judicial authorities ordered an investigation into a blog posting by an elite reservist group linked to Greece’s armed forces calling for a coup d’etat, the study singled out Greece and Hungary for being “the most significant democratic backsliders” in the EU.“Researchers found Greece overwhelmed by high unemployment, social unrest, endemic corruption and a severe disillusionment with the political establishment,” it said. The report, commissioned by the European parliament, noted that Greece was the most corrupt state in the 28-nation bloc and voiced fears over the rise of far-right extremism in the country.The report was released as the fragile two-party coalition of the prime minister, Antonis Samaras, admitted it was worried by a call for a military coup posted overnight on Wednesday on the website of the Special Forces Reserve Union. “It must worry us,” said a government spokesman, Simos Kedikoglou. “The overwhelming majority in the armed forces are devoted to our democracy,” he said. “The few who are not will face the consequences.”With tension running high after a crackdown on the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party, a supreme court public prosecutor demanded an immediate inquiry into who may have written the post, which called for an interim government under “the guarantee of the armed forces”.The special forces reservist unit who issued the social media call – whose members appeared in uniform to protest against a visit to Athens by the German chancellor, Angela Merkel – said Greece should renege on the conditions attached to an international bailout and set up special courts to prosecute those responsible for its worst financial crisis in modern times. Assets belonging to German companies, individuals or the state should be seized to pay off war reparations amassed during the Nazi occupation.Underscoring the social upheaval that has followed economic meltdown, the blog post argued that the government had violated the constitution by failing to provide adequate health, education, justice and security.Insiders said the mysterious post once again highlighted the infiltration of the armed forces by the extreme right. This week revelations emerged of Golden Dawn hit squads being trained by special forces commandos.Fears are growing that instead of reining in the extremist organisation, the crackdown on the group may ultimately create a backlash. The party, whose leaders publicly admire Adolf Hitler and have adopted an emblem resembling the swastika, have held their ground in opinion polls despite a wave of public outrage over the murder of a Greek rap musician, Pavlos Fyssas, by one of its members. Golden Dawn, which won nearly 7% of the vote in elections last year and has 18 MPs in Athens’ 300-member parliament, has capitalised more than any other political force on Greece’s economic crisis. “Much will depend on how well it will withstand the pressure and they are tough guys who seem to be withstanding it well,” said Giorgos Kyrtos, a political commentator
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 06:51:30 +0000

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