Green Miles Safaris incident is the tip of the iceberg On - TopicsExpress


Green Miles Safaris incident is the tip of the iceberg On closer examination, the Green Miles case now raises even more difficult questions for the WD: 1) It is by law that before any allocation done by the Minister, due process has to be observed. That being the case, all companies applying for hunting blocks have to undergo scrutiny on their capacity to ascertain technical and capital ability to undertake tourist-hunting operations. The current evidence from the recent Green Miles operations raises a lot of questions in relation to their technical ability and as to whether this was purposely overlooked or it was just a mere act of misrepresentation on the part of Green Miles. The actions evidenced in the DVD sure raises questions if the company possessed the technical know-how specifically on the laws and regulations of the hunting industry that are the backbone of the Industry. It is the laws and the regulations that make the Hunting Industry an industry with etiquette. This raises questions on how Green Miles, a recently established company could be awarded such prime hunting blocks ahead of many well known Tanzanian owned companies with a good track record? How did Green Mile Safaris obtain 3 prime blocks ahead of other more deserving local companies? 2) With evidence of Green Miles actions, concern should be put if really, (nyerere’s quote on conservation) will be sustained. It is no doubt Hunting is a win-win model for the government where conservation and revenue production is attained at the same time. However the people given the mandate as the custodian and implementers both the government and the stakeholders of such conservation is put in question. The 2013 block allocation supervised by Minister Maige was full of controversy, evidence and shock Waive of which is being experienced now. The Minister is advised to review the process, application, supporting documentation, GMS’ qualifications and recommendation of the HBAAC to establish if Green Miles Safaris did qualify to be allocated any blocks at all in the first place. This process will help to understand the root of the problem at hand and address it accordingly. The revocation of GMS’s licenses may not only be the result but also the discovery of the very unscrupulous officials who ‘helped’ them get blocks and abuse the law. This will reveal there was any due process adopted during the applications, or was it just a mere case of politically well connected people being awarded the majority of the blocks, in some instances against the due process and the recommendations of the block allocation advisory committee. It is only when we can bring back credibility back to the Hunting block industry and resolve the obvious tag of war between the PS and the Minister’s Office during the past era. 3) Over the last month Green Miles have attempted to force our Government to allow and grant them hunting permits over the Lake Natron block despite the well documented evidence of Green miles hunting misconduct and on going investigation. Such force by Green Miles is disguised behind the name of the members of the Al Nahyan family who we believe to be an innocent party who is mishandled by Green Miles who is a anarchist. The Al Nahyan family is welcomed any time in Tanzania to hunt with any other company except Green miles who currently are not allowed to operate for reasons that; a. GMS were accused, investigated and now found to have broken the law of the land in not only one, two or three provision of the law but more than five provisions of the law. b. They did not and have not tried to deny and defend themselves given a world of opportunity to do so. One can only conclude the evidence was so damning that and their silence is admittance and avoidance to be further prosecuted and could only result to a smear campaign against the Government (the Minister) and other investors, leaders like my self (Hon. Msigwa) who have uncovered GMS criminal and unethical activities. 1. That there are allegations from the media (Jamhuri and Raia Mwema publications) and the public seem to understand or purport that the Al Nahyan family were denied entry to Tanzania. It is to be set clear that the Al Nahyan family was never denied visa on entry in Tanzania but hunting permits. Such denial of hunting permits was solely for the reasons already mentioned before given that, Green Miles has been disqualified and its licenses revoked. Further more, as I am informed, the Lake Natron Game Controlled Area North South is a hunting block in court dispute and an even more so reason to deny the hunting permits to hunt within it. However as cleared stated in by the media, the Al Nahyan family had option to go to other blocks if they preferred Category one blocks, as surely there are more than 30 such blocks as advised by the government. 4) Given the for going denial of hunting permits, another lie was instigated by Green Mile in the press that as a result of them being denied Presidential hunting licenses to hunt in Lake Natron Game Controlled Area, the country has suffered over 3 billion shillings in loss. What is to note is that the permits that were applied for by Green Miles for their client were Special Licenses. It should be noted that a special licenses are exactly special not automatic and issued free of charge. Any money that the Al Nahyan family would have paid would have gone to Green Mile Safari and not the Government or Tanzanian people like they would like the public to believe. It is such a request for the special hunting permits that also make it clear that, they asked for special permit since there were good reasons for them not to qualify or be considered for the normal permits. I boldly state that the rule of law should continue to be upheld and the Minister’s stance in ensuring permits and operation by green miles be revoked and stopped given the evidence and findings against Green Miles. Such a stance by the Minister in to be commended and is in compliance with due process and rule of law. If GMS were not guilty, such a process would equally have exonerated them and cleared their name. In this case, they were not cleared because they are as guilty as seen. 5) There is a clear cut between Green Miles Safaris and the Al Nahyan family. Green Miles being the Hunting Tour Operator and the Al Nahyan family being the innocent client. It is clear that the Al Nahyan family has been dragged into this by misrepresentation and ill will of Green Miles to the extent that their name is being tarnished all in the pursuit of Green Miles conceal their incomprehensible actions. The Government of Tanzania had and doesn’t have any agenda against the Al Nahyan family nor the UAE and it action in denial of such hunting blocks are in the cause of upholding our sovereignty and the rule of law, whereas for such strong reasons should continue to strengthen the relations between Tanzania and the UAE. 6) Claims by Green Mile Safaris that the fault for the infringements committed, as seen in the video, lie with the Professional Hunters is wrong. Firstly, Awadh Ally Abdallah (Salum Awadh) was with the hunting party when the infringements were being committed and he is a Director and Shareholder. He is the one who employed the professional hunters and oversaw that particular safari. Secondly, Abdullah Bin Butti Alhamed, a shareholder and director in Green Mile Safaris and Awadh Ally Abdallah, are the main actors in the video seen breaking all those laws. . One may ask why has the Government arrested neither of them? The actions done by the directors/shareholders and Professional Hunters may be confused as poaching if not confirming it. It is my strongest believe that the evidence in the DVD is very clear and the Government wildlife officers, Professional Hunters and Director/shareholders too need to be investigated, questioned and action taken against them. 7) Green Miles are trying to deflect the issue by claiming that what has happened to them is a result of an American company wanting to take over their block in Lake Natron and that the Minister is a friend of the Americans. This notion is unfounded. The findings and decision of the minister is totally based on the unlawful hunting conduct by Green Miles as repeatedly evidenced in the DVD. It is all propaganda by Green Mile to seek sympathy from the public and misuse of their client’s name, all in the effort of gaining political mileage and hinder the Government from taking its administrative duties. The Government shall continue to uphold the rule of law to ensure due process and the law take their course without any interference nor coercion from anybody.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:43:20 +0000

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