Green Spider The Christmas shoppings done, the turkeys bought, - TopicsExpress


Green Spider The Christmas shoppings done, the turkeys bought, theres nothing left to do So Id loads of time doing this months rhyme, to bring you my review Decembers been and nearly gone, so its quite perfectly timed To cover this months stories, with Jan to Nov already rhymed. We started off at quite a pace, the local folk appalled When Apple Windows and Southern Energy aggressively cold-called Put signs that say NO KNOCKERS up, to stop you going demented But if that fails, to put off their sales, just claim your house is rented! Next, driving skills were questioned, in fact someones verdict was theyre sh#te! I nearly got knocked off my bike when I gave way to the right! And then that roadhog did a runner before I got chance to berate him So when I meet the driver of car OGX, Ill tell that git I hate him! More motoring issues were next in line, some folk were getting bored Of being kept awake each night by yobs beeping clapped out Fords And in the Herbs more parking issues where folk didnt know what to do As cars were stuck right in their way so no one could get through Next, the Post Office got a mention, some folk went on the attack Had negative views of the Co-op queues and cried Bring David back! Some said You call this progress! these folk visibly were irked Please put our shop back, the way it was, this facelift hasnt worked! Then my favourite thread, the dog walker, who couldnt believe their eyes When they got an early morning striptease on Rovers daily exercise A local domestic engineer, apparently hadnt had the chance To come on down with dressing gown, so stood ironing in his pants So this local Good Samaritan went onto V4W to warn The local gents to use some sense and keep their curtains drawn It could be worse this lady added, it was quite a nice surprise to see these naked buttocks, had obviously been well moisturised! Next, to things property related, and those folk in Area K Were most displeased with their management fees and wanted to have their say Through a lack of road adoption and political in-fighting These folk were left to foot the bill for inadequate street lighting Then the subject of some road rage, a thing that no town needs When mouthy mobs of thoughtless yobs drive cars at excess speeds But the culprits went on the attack, and didnt like it when we told em Claiming Were the ones who are being wronged! when a bystander did scold them Numerous recommendations next from local folk who had been hiring Our favourite local Sparky Marc, to look at their internal wiring And a festive man sent Christmas wishes from a decorated house that will.... ...get a Christmas hamper from N Powers Boss for their electric bill! There was wiring of the dodgy kind on the other side of town When the Solent Hotel lift caught fire and they had to call firemen down On the subject of emergencies, twice the police helicopter came our way But this busy month had already seen local choppers on display! While were on about the Boys in Blue, they did our town big favours By using their clout to help flush out our secret drug-dealing neighbours That doesnt happen in our town, we dont get druggie trouble! Its just country walks and 4 x 4s here in our Whiteley bubble! But not so! we found, Theres burglars too, in Warsash and Park Gate So unless you want your pressies pinched, set timers if youre out late! V4W came up trumps that day, which was a joy to see And as folk heard, they spread the word, about good home security. (Nearly there, dont fret!) Green Spiders back , and hes on his campaign trail As so many local people here have raised this point, to no avail When North Whiteley gets the go ahead someone should watch their back for making sure we must endure this bloody cul-de-sac! So you want 3,000 houses more? Have you really thought about.... youre going to get the 3,000 cars and their drivers, in and out? So as they expand our Hampshire land, our little town getting ever-wider With a ROADS NOT HOUSES campaign line, we all should Vote Green Spider! Finally some planning dirty tricks, the kind we home-owners hate When you find the cinema thats next door to you, has decided to open late But wait a while, youll get back your smile, I bet youre not alone Stood at the bar in the Hungry Horse, toasting 10 grand added to your home! So there we are, bang up to date, Decembers nearly done Thered be no rhymes if it wasnt for you, so thank you everyone Enjoy yourselves this Christmas time, be full of festive cheer, And for those of you still interested, Ill be back with more next year!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:04:37 +0000

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