Greens demonstrate award-winning stupidity Icon - Comments 348 - TopicsExpress


Greens demonstrate award-winning stupidity Icon - Comments 348 Comments | Permalink Piers Akerman Blog Icon Arrow Piers Akerman Wednesday, February 20, 2013 (3:47am) GREENS Leader Christine Milne showed what an absolute flake she is yesterday when she told the National Press Club she had ended the Greens alliance with the ALP. She has not. As she herself admitted, the Greens would not cause instability and would still honour its agreement to permit the failed Labor-Green-Independent government to run full term. Senator Milne said she would not allow Labor’s failure to honour the “spirit of the agreement” to advance the interests of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. “We will not walk away from the undertaking we gave not only to the prime minister but to the people of Australia,” she said. “And that was to deliver confidence and supply until the parliament rises for the election. “We will see this parliament through to its full term. “The Greens will not add to the instability that Labor creates every day for itself.” So, there you have it. Only a Green would be so stupid as to claim to have ended an alliance and in the next breath pledge to keep supporting the government that was formed by that very alliance. Of course, the ALP didn’t ever need to sign an agreement with the Greens as the sole Green MP in the Lower House, Adam Bandt, always said he would support Labor (probably because there was no other party of the Left he could attach himself to).
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 08:00:08 +0000

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