Greetings Creator, I have some information Id love to share with - TopicsExpress


Greetings Creator, I have some information Id love to share with you. Lately I have been pondering the purpose of Resistance, and why its necessary to our Creative Process? What lead me to this Internal Investigation was that I was noticing Resistance, I mean Really noticing it, when it revealed itself in the form of negative emotion. And, truth be told, I had a good deal of it pop up during the course of the day. What? Me? The Happy, Aligned, Leading-Edge Vixen that I am? Thats right! So, I got on it immediately. I dont like speed bumps, especially when Im cruising along at Warp Speed, as they have a tendency to knock me off into a completely different galaxy. I needed to have come clarity around the subject. Whats a gal to do when she has a question for Abe and theres isnt a hot seat and a mike available? Well simple - head over to YouTube and type in what I want to know, in this case: Abraham-Hicks Resistance, et voila, the video I am posting here in the comments section, revealed itself to me. Have a listen, youre going to dig it. Allow me to summarize and put my spin on it. First, doing away with Resistance is Futile (Yes, The Borg knew what they were preaching) as it is one of the main ingredients in The Creative Process. IOW - Its the what we dont want that is sitting side by side to the what we do want that is present in all our contrasting moments. And Abe tells us that if Resistance ceased to be, so would expansion. Already I am feeling relief around this topic. It doesnt feel as heavy or unwieldy; as its been brought down into my sphere of influence where I can manage my relationship to it. It doesnt Happen To Me, its a marker, a litmus test, a directional indicator. By George, I think were getting somewhere. Since we cant do away with it, we must learn how to manage it. Heres the plu-perfect formula for us Creators when it comes to managing our resistance: Have Contrast, see two sides of the coin, pick the side that feels good, move on. Next... Where you and I get hung up is in the picking the positive and leaving behind the negative. Why? Because we are still nursing habits of thought that who knows or cares the provenance of, as we sit in the resistant energy depriving ourselves of good feelings and other juicy manifestations that are ours by birthright! Whereas Source, faced with the Contrasting Moment, has already gone down the road and is playing around in the solution, while we sit depriving ourselves of that solution, because we cant/wont move on. Isnt now the perfect time to become The Vibrational Equivalent of The Outcome That We Desire, rather than its counter-intuitive equivalent? If your answer is yes, then the first step in becoming a Master of Discernment is to understand your Emotional Guidance System. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT EMOTIONS YOUR EMITTING IN ORDER TO START UP-LEVELING YOUR THOUGHTS TO MATCH THE THOUGHTS OF SOURCE. When I began this odyssey of self-discovery with Abe, I thought I had 2 emotions. I was a New York City kid and the way we rolled was we either loved the idea, or the person, or hated it, period. Who knew that there were a host of other emotions laying in between those two? LOL. And another huge catalyst to my self-inquiry was that Abraham had chided some hot seaters about their supposed time In The Vortex versus their Out of The Vortex time. Seems that we like to fool ourselves that we are IN, when in actuality, were not. This hit me like a ton of bricks! If I am bullshitting myself, I want to know that too. So in order to better understand this amazing guidance system that is my path to clarity and all I desire, I printed out Abes Emotional Guidance Scale from their book, Ask and It is Given, and put them everywhere; at my kitchen sink, bathroom mirror, wallet, dashboard of my car, you name it. And then, when I became aware of wanting to identify my feelings, I would sit with the feeling and then look at the paper and see which one resonated with me. (see comments section for link to The Emotional Guidance Scale.) This practice served me well, as now I dont need the paper, it is clear when I am in the vicinity of hope or not. When I am flowing clarity or blame. When I am bipping down the road of Optimism or lugging around boulders of discontent. And now, armed with this data, I can be my own Teacher. I can feel when something is off and who do I call upon to change how I feel? ME thats who. As I am the only one who throws resistance in my path. No one else. The knowledge that I have gleaned today is that Resistance is not the enemy, to the contrary, shes my friend, my ally, my go to gal when I want to know better what it is I desire. When she lands on my doorstep, I know it. She walks like a storm trooper and takes no quarter! The negative vibrations she throws about cannot be ignored, and so this allows me to pivot toward the sun, toward good feelings and all that I desire. My hope is that we all become Masters Of Our Lives! Someone asked me the other day how I explain The Teachings of Abraham and I said, Simple... Identifying and Understanding The Laws of The Universe and Using Them To Our Advantage! And for todays lesson on Resistance - Its understanding our Emotional Guidance System and using it to our advantage. Game... Set... Match...~*
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:22:08 +0000

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