Greetings Dear Friends from Tccc Caffey Corner Upper Peninsula of - TopicsExpress


Greetings Dear Friends from Tccc Caffey Corner Upper Peninsula of Michigan!! Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ ,who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be Glory for ever and ever Amen. (Gal. 1:3-4-5) The paintbrush of the Lord is dipping into all the vibrant colors on the color wheel as we speak!! The ferns are ripening and turning brown and the shrubs in the wild are changing their color of their leaves too. The Wild cherry trees have fruit dangling down like Christmas tree ornaments. The apple trees in the fields and ditch banks are heavy laden with fruit. Some have broken limbs as they cant sustain the weight. Its probably not early, but it seems like it is, to see so many maple trees starting their Autumn picture show. Every day is so precious as we scurry to accomplish as much as possible while the weather is good. This day in each of our lives is very significant. We have been born a with a specific schedule in the Lords eyes. This is the Right Day and the Right Time. You are just the right age, you have just the right giftings, youve had all the right experiences (good or bad), as you fit into Gods perfect plan for this day. Yesterday is way gone, the future, (dont count your chickens before they hatch) , but This Day is specifically for you and those you meet today. Take a moment and recount your steps today. How did you start your day? Are you satisfied with that? Anything you might have done differently that could have made it better or easier? Did you set out with a plan or a goal in mind? Did you remember to keep the priorities in proper order? God first, spouse second, (if you have one) family third and occupation fourth. I know that on paper that seems impossible to maintain, but if we dont, everything else we attempt to do or maintain suffers or becomes a flop. Now you have to admit, flip flopping around is not a good plan, and its surely not Gods Best for you. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (God is the leader that will encourage and stir us to move ahead. He is the one who knows we can do the task He has given us to do. He will be with us all the way This doesnt mean well be spared pain, suffering or hardships, but God will see us through to a glorious conclusion.) Reading scriptures in 1Samuel and then fast forwarding to Hebrews 3 Can Help us with keeping our Strengths, Accomplishments and Positions in proper priority. In 1Samuel, it is a powerful book to read : (Samuel was a judge and he disagreed with the Israelites for wanting a king, but a king they wanted & a king they got). Samuel was the last and probably the most effective judge for Israel. 1Samuel 3:19-20 The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the Lord. The First God appointed king of Israel was Saul. Saul was known for his personal courage and generosity. He stood a head taller, with a striking appearance. However his leadership abilities didnt match the expectations created by his appearance. He specifically disobeyed God many times. God wants obedience from the heart. Not mere acts of religious rituals. Obedience involves sacrifice. But just sacrificing something doesnt mean youre being obedient. God wants to make use of our strengths and weaknesses. Our weaknesses should help us remember our need for Gods guidance and help. 1Samuel 16:7_--The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Disobedience can put the plan God has laid out for you on hold. In 1Samuel chapter 13...... As you read in verses 11-13 Samuel is saying to Saul, What have you done? Sauls explaining, well I saw the men scattering and I thought the Philistines were coming down against me, I hadnt ask for Gods favor, so I made a Burnt offering. Samuel then told him, You acted foolishly, you did not keep the command the Lord your God gave you ; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over all Israel for all time. Samuel goes on to tell Saul, the Lord has sought a man after His own heart, because of your disobedience. Yes, this is just one of the Old Testament accounts, but God doesnt change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.. Forever. When He asks us to Do His Plan , that is what is required of us. Just like Saul, we often try to gloss over our mistakes and sins, we try to justify and spiritualize our actions because of our special circumstances. Our excuses, however, are nothing more than disobedience. God knows our true motives. He forgives, restores and blesses when we are honest with Him. Saul tried to hide his disobedience and sins with excuses, he lost his kingship..... We lose out on Gods Best for us when we hide behind excuses too. Fast forward to Hebrews 3:1 Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, Fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess. 3 Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses. Just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. 4 . For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. 6 . But Christ is faithful as a son over Gods house. And we are His house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast. 7. So, as the Holy Spirit says:Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in rebellion during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years SAW what I did. Be careful, dont be stubborn,be careful to obey Gods Word, dont harbor a hardened heart, dont think youve got it all handled and figured out. Keep Jesus the focus in your life and lifestyle. Because Jesus lives in us as believers, we can remain courageous and hopeful to the end. Without enduring Faithfulness, we could be easily blown away by the winds of false teaching, temptation or persecution, like houses in a storm without a firm foundation. Our house, the one God built just for us, our Spirit inside that hears His voice.......When we have confessed with our mouth and believed in our heart, and made Jesus the Lord of our life... It is our New Lease on life, the old man passed away, Excuses dont work anymore. Lies are not a part of our vocabulary any more. We have been set apart for Gods service. He cleansed and made us holy, sanctified, worthy and righteous by the Blood of The Lamb, Jesus. Jesus Father is now our Father, so we are now His brothers and sisters. God has adopted all believers as His children. So as children obey their parents, thats us too. If youve put yourself in time -out ,... Gods calling you out of the Corner! Its time to step up and step out. In closing I would like us to go back to: Proverbs 4:20-22 ★My son, pay attention to what I say ; listen closely to my Words. Do not let them out of you sight, keep them within your heart ;.for they are life.... Life to those who find them and health to a mans whole body.★ Faith is a choice, to Rejoice is a choice.. We choose to Believe in our ever faithful loving God. He is our God of all Hope, Joy & Peace! May the Joy of the Lord give you Strength. We believe God is answering your prayers, answering your requests, just like He did 2,000+years ago! We believe what He says, He never changes and He Never will. He is always with us, Faith and vision is always with us.. Theres so much more for all of us to do. You are in exactly the Right Place and Right Time of your life to fulfill His plan for you. Stay in obedience. Keep your Covenant with Him. Keep what He has told you to keep, (the plans He has for you) so He can keep you going on the right path... He loves you so much. He wants to keep you from all harm. Pete and I at Trailside Chapel Caffey Corner Upper Peninsula are praying for each and every one of you. All your prayer requests circumstances and situations are lifted to our Savior each day as we pray with thanksgiving.. He alone sustains you and us. We cast all our cares upon Him. We thank you for your prayers and support every day. We are trusting God with every move we make. His Blueprint is the only plan we will follow. As we close today, these words from 2 John 1:2-3 because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever : Grace, Mercy and Peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Fathers Son, will be with us in truth and Love. Sending our love today to all of you from across the many miles.. In Jesus Name Pete and Donna Share your Victories with us! You can stay in contact with us by email :donnapete1993@gmail Website : trailsidechapel Facebook Phone Number : (989) 838 - 2536 Mailing Address : Trailside Chapel Caffey Corner W6671 Hiawatha Trail Naubinway, Mi 49762
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 23:52:57 +0000

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