Greetings Everyone, Apologies, I forgot to send out this link - TopicsExpress


Greetings Everyone, Apologies, I forgot to send out this link that keeps those who are interested as to what is happening at the Bilderberg Fringe Festival. Here it is, check it out throughout the day as Alex Jones does live coverage. infowars/live-coverage-of-bilderberg-2013/ (second video box on the page). Alex Jones is also doing a live show around 7pm with the Bilderberg updates of the day each evening til 9pm (first video box). This has been amazing to watch this grass roots movement unfold; no longer can the Government deny that the Bilderberg group exists and that this is mere conspiracy theories – the lid has been blown right off as journalists around the world have been reporting the last three days events. Alex Jones and David Icke among others have worked very hard in so many interviews with the media. Alex Jones and David Icke met for the first time face to face at this event and gave an amazing interview last night. The first part includes interviews from the ground outside of the Grove Hotel, the UKIP MP interview is very revealing and how the Bilderberg group is just following on the what Hitler started! David Icke interview is in a bedroom hotel makeshift studio and starts around 1 hr into this link. https://youtube/watch?v=fHXIs4uJAmE This is a very interesting interview as Alex Jones (who is a Christian) suddenly realises and understands what David Icke has been saying all these years, for instance about the Satanic Paedophile rituals that are done on ‘ley lines’ to make the Earth Grid frequency shift into a lower vibration. Alex Jones visited Stone Henge sometime this week and felt the Ley Line energy (much to his surprise) and this has shifted how he thinks about a whole host of things that he had for years deemed ‘New Age mumbo jumbo’. This whole Fringe event is a tipping point of conscious awakening, that hopefully people will wake up and realise the agendas that have been placed upon humanity stripping away their human rights and also poisoning them with Vaccines, chemtrails, fluoride, GM food etc are a slow kill upon the population. One of the British newspapers just the other day printed that it is predicted that by 2020 (7 years away) half the UK population will have cancer. What they omitted to say was ‘why’. Vaccines are mainly the culprit with the nano technology to induce cancer – profiting news for the pharmaceutical companies – tragic news for the human race. Cancer in the UK, Russia and Amercia is 10,000% increased because of such draconian agendas. We are now at the tipping point of collective conscious awareness to say ‘no more!’ For those who live near Watford – the Fringe Festival is jammed packed with speakers, starting from 12 noon today. David Icke is speaking at 5pm – Alex Jones at 6pm. Change is happening as I write this email. Love and Blessings Natasha X
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:00:23 +0000

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