Greetings FB family and Happy Tuesday everyone, today my hope for - TopicsExpress


Greetings FB family and Happy Tuesday everyone, today my hope for you also provides a challenge. It is my hope for you to discover that you can depend on God for anything you experience in life. However the challenge lies within can God depend on you to be obedient to His word and His will. Are you willing to walk by faith and not by sight. Can God depend on you to live daily by the word or will lean to your own understanding in order to get by. Allow this thought to encourage your heart: “You Can Depen d On God, Can God Depend On You” Luke 10:2-6 2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.3 Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 4 Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.5 “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ 6 If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you. The word of God says But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Pet 2:9). We are peculiar because we trust God enough to allow him to trust us! We are just crazy enough to believe that if God says it can be done, well it is a done deal. But Zecharias had some issues. We got some issues. Zecharias could not believe that God was about to bless him. More so, he could not believe that this thing could happen because of what he could or could not do. So many times, we get it twisted about what we are supposed to do for God. We base it on what are human meagerness can accomplish. We have safeguards just in case our meagerness can’t complete the task. We stress and struggle over stuff that is not our battle that is not our fight. Our Zecharias mindset causes many struggles and strife in our individual lives. We strive to accomplish what we want, but if what God wants seems to big…even though we serve a great big God, we put him in a box and tell him this is bigger than us. And the truth is …it is bigger than us… because it came from him. There is a penalty for not trusting God enough… Well God just shut up his way of getting blessed! For the words tells us when the praises go up the blessings come down. Zecharias is shut up until after the baby comes. Now Zecharias is unable to praise God…and his blessings are shut out. God shuts us up and shuts us out also. Have you ever experienced a time when it seemed as if you could not hear from God, and He could not hear your prayers? Have you ever wondered why a particular issue you prayed for just does not seem to get answered… you know how we pray over finances, how we pray over our spouses, how we pray over our weight, our health, our nation, world issues And the more we pray the more we notice nothing is getting through. Instead of getting better, it becomes worse. When you walk weight just jumps on you. When you look at your bank account, it is so red it looks like it is bleeding. When you look at your health, you find no real healing just getting by… But God wants to open up the kingdom of heaven and pour you out a blessing…but he has to be able to trust you! God can trust us with the things we are comfortable doing. We are comfortable coming to church when we feel like it. We are comfortable giving a portion of what he has given us when it is not close to a birthday, holiday, or bill day. We are comfortable reading the word every now than and again. We are comfortable teaching bible study and Sunday school with information we read a few minutes prior to Bible class… we are comfortable doing church how we want to do church. I declare today where there are Zecharias’ spirits I say have to flee from here. Let there be a Holy Ghost takeover in your lives, and fresh anointing to fall on you. We sing “I’m gonna trust in the Lord, I’m gonna trust in the Lord…till I die…. But can God trust us! Can He trust us enough so that when He says feed my sheep, we can do it outside the holiday season as well as during? Can He trust us enough to be bold enough to actually go into the world preaching, teaching, and baptizing, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Can He depend on us to allow the word to live in us because we have actually taken time out of our schedule – set it aside just for Him everyday. God wants to know can I depend on you, when you receive criticism for doing His work. You see I am criticized more than you can imagine for my daily FB post. Criticisms ranging from there too long, to oh he is just another “Face Book Prophet”. I don’t let it phase me because what you receive from me is an out pouring of what God has placed in me, after I have spent time with the Father! You are getting the overflow because I COULD NOT KEEP IT TO MYSELF! Go ahead and criticize me. I already know where my help cometh and it is not from the nay sayers and haters! Those reading this message ask yourself the following questions. Can God depend on you to praise Him when you don’t feel like it? Can God depend on you to love your neighbor as yourself. Can He depend on you to allow Him to be the one that fights your battles? Can He depend on you to bring glory, honor and not shame to the kingdom of God? Can He depend on you to Walk by faith and not by sight? Can He depend on you to teach the Gospel of Jesus and not of Oparah, Dr. Phil and Maury? Mary was dependable – teenage girl taking on the responsibility to become pregnant by God – even though she was engaged to Joseph. Small town with people with small town mentality. Women stoned for less than being pregnant and not married…putting her life on the line for God. Elizabeth was dependable – old woman – willing to face ridicule and rejection to bring into this world a prophet… one who would prepare the people to receive a redeemer. Joseph was dependable…. He could have bowed to peer pressure. He could have done the run of the mill thing. He could have left Mary, caused her embarrassment, and saved his on reputation. Joseph could have simply told Mary “talk to the hand”, Can God count on us when things are good or bad or are we fair weather Christians? Can He depend on us when we are feeling up or down or is our participation based on our dilemma of the day? Here is the hope for living in the message: I am so glad I serve a God who is not as faithless as we are. In fact, Jeremiah says, Great is thy faithfulness…Morning by Morning new mercies we see…everything we need ….God will provide…. So when the thing he asks or the trial he is using to make us stronger seems to hard remember…God’s faithfulness is undying, tried, and proven…and he will provide for every task he has given. He proved His faithfulness, He proved His dependability when He provided us with Jesus. We know we can depend on Him, because He sent His only begotten Son to be the redeeming source for the world. We know we can depend on God, because He watched His Son endure the humiliation of a fixed trial, the agony of the crucifixion, the anguish of death, all so that we could rejoice in His resurrection. A God who is faithful, deserves our faithfulness. In your living, giving, prayer, and praise let God know that He can depend on you and BE BLESSED!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 12:34:45 +0000

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