Greetings FBFAM! Its Day 21 of our Holy Consecration and therefore - TopicsExpress


Greetings FBFAM! Its Day 21 of our Holy Consecration and therefore chapter 21 of the Wisdom Book, Proverbs meditation and am still referencing the Message Bible by Petersen (love it) and verses 27-31 states Religious performance by the wicked stinks; it’s even worse when they use it to get ahead. A lying witness is unconvincing; a person who speaks truth is respected. Unscrupulous people fake it a lot; honest people are sure of their steps. Nothing clever, nothing conceived, nothing contrived, can get the better of God. Do your best, prepare for the worst—then trust God to bring victory. Our lives should be ones that are in a right relationship with God! We should never seek to fake our relationship with Him and never use that fakery to get ahead or to trick or fool people. Although Solomon told his son(s) that a person who speaks truth is respected. this is not always true as we have discovered for ourselves in todays world but I am glad that the Word of God will always have a verse or verses that can interpret itself for clarity. In this case, the verses that come strongly to mind is Isaiah 5:20 Doom to you who call evil good and good evil, Who put darkness in place of light and light in place of darkness, Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! and Romans 1:28-32 Since they didnt bother to acknowledge God, God quit bothering them and let them run loose. And then all hell broke loose: rampant evil, grabbing and grasping, vicious backstabbing. They made life hell on earth with their envy, wanton killing, bickering, and cheating. Look at them: mean-spirited, venomous, fork-tongued God-bashers. Bullies, swaggerers, insufferable windbags! They keep inventing new ways of wrecking lives. They ditch their parents when they get in the way. Stupid, slimy, cruel, cold-blooded. And it’s not as if they don’t know better. They know perfectly well they’re spitting in God’s face. And they don’t care—worse, they hand out prizes to those who do the worst things best! Can you imagine being respected by these kinds of people in this day and age for telling them the truth? I cant but the fact is that we still have to adhere to Gods Word! The bottomline is that we have to do our, prepare for the worst—then trust God to bring victory. Powerful wise words that needs to be heeded! Selah. Blessings! #HolyConsecration!#WisdomKnowledgeAndUnderstanding!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:28:35 +0000

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