Greetings Facebook Family; Please consider the following as it - TopicsExpress


Greetings Facebook Family; Please consider the following as it applies to you. Our lack of HUMILITY and proper handling of each other has earned for the BEST of us... The WRATH and CHASTISEMENT of ALLAH (GOD / DIOS). Corruption has appeared in the land on account of what mens hands have wrought. This is NOT about RELIGION, its about our own INJUSTICES! Its about our mistreatment, neglect and outright ABANDONMENT of each other and our poor suffering people who have yet to hear the Teaching that was suppose to make of you a better SAVIOUR for our people and a more decent human being to ALL. Putting a rope around your 3 months pregnant DAUGHTERS neck and bashing her head to death with rocks and bricks in Pakistan, brings NO honor ONLY SHAME to a MUSLIM family! This is not ISLAM or the Teaching of the Holy Quran. This is a most heinous CRIME against humanity. For the government of Iran to mandate the whipping of a MUSLIM woman movie actress with 50 strips for exchanging a kiss on the cheek of an old man after wining at the Cannes Film Festival Awards Is NOT ISLAM or prescribed in the Holy Quran! There is NO compulsion to the faith of ISLAM yet in some corrupt government practices ISLAM is made to appear intolerant of FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY for its people. To DISRESPECT, demean, beat, rape, murder, disregard and prevent the EDUCATION of young girls and women is NOT ISLAM! To OPPRESS, CONTROL and LIMIT the EDUCATION of WOMEN sentences any NATION to DEATH spiritually, morally, mentally and physically! The QUALITY of any people is determined by the level of spiritual and intellectual cultivation of its WOMEN! This is why the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that a Nation can rise NO higher than its WOMEN! Your quality of ISLAM can be measured by your respect and treatment of WOMEN! To CONTROL and OPPRESS women does NOT strengthen men, It weakens them! INJUSTICE imposed upon any human being, creates an IMBALANCE in the nature of that person. What goes around DOES come around until we LEARN the science of our mistakes. We know in ISLAM there is NO compulsion to its FAITH and ALLAH granted ALL human beings FREE WILL! So why try and CONTROL anybody? Serving our people and delivering them from the condition of mental and spiritual death is and was our WAY given to us by our Saviour Master Fard Muhammad and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the Nation of ISLAM in North America, to WORSHIP NO one but ALLAH (GOD / DIOS). Knowing that YE are all gods.. As stated in the Bible, was NOT for you to SEEK to be served but to INCREASE your ability to SERVE with a CONTRITE heart. Those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit are willing to do anything and everything that God asks of them. - BRUCE D. PORTER - I wonder if that is our disposition of heart and spirit? After all the suffering our people have been through you would think that in our poverty we were a very HUMBLE people... But we are NOT. We are PROUD! ..the words of King David in the 51st Psalm: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit:,a broken and a contrite heart” (v. 17). David’s words show that even in Old Testament times, the Lord’s people understood that their hearts must be given to God, that burnt offerings alone were not enough. - BRUCE D. PORTER - In the Holy Quran, ALLAH reveals that HE Judges not our forms but the quality and INTENT of our hearts. In the above quote from a Christian Minister BRUCE D. PORTER, he speaks of a necessary disposition of heart and spirit required by GOD in Man for HIS and HIS Elects Sake. It is very similar to a verse in the book of Galatians 5:6 which worketh by LOVE this is the quality and disposition that must be evident in OUR work as MUSLIMS and any who would believe in ALLAH (GOD / DIOS). “And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit. And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart … , him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost” (3 Nephi 9:19–20). What are a broken heart and a contrite spirit? And why are they considered a sacrifice? As in all things, the Savior’s life offers us the perfect example: though Jesus of Nazareth was utterly without sin, He walked through life with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, as manifested by His submission to the will of the Father. “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me” (John 6:38). To His disciples He said, “Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29). And when the time came to pay the ultimate sacrifice entailed in the Atonement, Christ shrank not to partake of the bitter cup but submitted completely to His Father’s will. No matter who you claim the modern day Jesus, Christ or Messiah is, it is not for you to WORSHIP HIM, but to follow, obey and take their character example as the WAY for us to follow to salvation. Too many of us are falling into idolatry focusing too much on the identity of the Messenger servant of GOD than the Mission we are to share in the sacrifice of so that we can as the book of Romans in the Bible states delivered altogether with CHRIST and share as HIERS in His Glory. The Mission and the Ministry is NOT about identifying who the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is. Or who the modern day Jesus is. We are the descendants of slaves, trained through generations to worship our Masters. This is ingrained in us which is the very thing that deprives us of enjoying FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and EQUALITY. When you spend too much time trying to identify the singular Man of GOD is in your midst, it can lead to a very corrupt IDOLATRY. In the Holy Quran Jesus is questioned as to whether or not he taught the people to take him and his Mother as a God beside GOD, and of course we know that he did not however, he is questioned because of the IDOLATROUS nature of the people. Our Mission is identifying who the people of GOD are that are marked by poverty and ..long suffering. The people of GOD in every city and country in the world are the ones we NEGLECT, ABANDON and IGNORE because they lack what we perceive ourselves to possess. Our Mission is to HEAL, RESURRECT, LIFT our people and all fallen human beings with LOVE, SELFLESSNESS, KINDNESS and FORBEARANCE with a contrite heart and spirit. As the saying goes; When the student is ready, the Teacher will come, when we are ready to SERVE GOD, it will be easy to IDENTIFY HIS Messenger in YOUR midst and your role in HIS Mission. Finally, the Holy Quran asks us.. And what will them to know what the uphill road is? It is to FREE a slave! :-)
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 12:20:07 +0000

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