Greetings Friends. Great to be in this wonderful group of - TopicsExpress


Greetings Friends. Great to be in this wonderful group of conscious awakening beings, thank you! I feel right at home here. I think some of you will enjoy my story... Almost 5 years ago I moved to the Andes Mountains of Peru and now work in the indigenous communities outside my village. What I have found has completely transformed my life and perceptions. First off, though the people have very little, almost nothing materially (aside from their families, community, small adobe homes, and a piece of land to farm), and although there are many problems, they are mostly very happy indeed. When I think back on the consumption and materialism of North America, it is just amazingly evident that things, objects, stuff, glitter and illusions do not bring happiness. In fact, they appear to estrange us from ourselves, our families, our communities, our connection with the earth and life around us. From a distance, there appears to be so much suffering in the most materialistic of countries, but it is often hidden. The contrast between the indigenous/earth based peoples, those that are still here with us, and the westernized countries is vast. The journey to forgetting has been a long one. But how to return, how to re-enter a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with life, one that we may have known in a distant past. This is what I have found: by sharing our love, knowledge, resources, skills, creativity, inspiration or whatever, with those who can really receive and appreciate these, we can enter into an experience that no thing can ever bring us. It is like a simple secret that has been lost in the hustle and bustle of this modern world. We are not here simply to maintain or even perfect ourselves only. The bridge, the doorway to that often mystified secret portal into a life of love and freedom is at the juncture of our self offering. It is when we give fully of ourselves that we can fully receive. In fact, it happens simultaneously, in the same moment! It is when we offer ourselves in service to love, by caring for our sisters and brothers on this earth who are hurting, that we can taste, or even live in the infinite river of that which we truly seek. I want to help reveal this again. We are all longing for a deeper experience of this precious life, but how to find it?! This is the way I have found, where all get nourished, each in the ways we need. There is as much suffering in the western materialistic countries as there is in the most poverty stricken ones, just on the other side of the spectrum. It is an eternal yearning covered by many layers of distraction, striving and forgetting. But we can step off of this illusion, step out of this endless searching, whether for materialistic emptiness or endless spiritual seeking, both which often hide underneath a deep unspoken angst. We can enter again into the innocence and joy and fulfillment of life, by fully participating with life. I have found a simple secret, a hidden truth. It is this: when we offer our gifts, our love, our resources, our hearts and minds, our energy and actions, in some way, no matter how small, to those who are lonely, sad, forgotten, mal-nutritioned, abused or somehow hurting, we gain a thousand times. To lift up the most down trodden of this planet is to give glory to Pacha Mama, Great Spirit, Divine Mother, Source, Jesus, Krsna, God, or whatever Name you may call it. To give is to receive. We do not need to be perfect to make our mark in this world. Our perfection is our humanness, and our desire to enter into the river of Love and Service. It is here we will find what we have long been seeking. We can work on ourselves for lifetimes on end, and never touch the joy and beauty that simple acts of kindness can bring, both to others and ourselves. Once we experience and begin to live this, we will find that the universe takes care of much of the other stuff. Connecting with the Mountain Communities here in the Sacred Valley of Peru has opened my heart to a new way that I never knew before. While those awakening beings on a path of consciousness and spirit are ever searching to re-find their true selves, the indigenous people have never lost that. There is a perfect marriage that happens as we can let go of our endless spiritual or material striving and begin to help and care for others, in some way, wherever and whoever that may be. We can reconnect with the simple beauty and innocence of life and find that within ourselves once again. We are all indigenous, from the One Source, whatever each person may call that. By doing our chosen practices in this life we can re- align, heal our past, cleanse our bodies minds and emotions, release our blocks to love and life-force, remember who we are, and then quickly find those who can receive the love and care, knowledge and abilities we have. This will bring us to a place of healing, harmony, purpose and peace in this life. The indigenous people, what is left of them, have a message for us that is incredibly profound. We can find our own eternal indigenous nature in their eyes, in their hearts beaming back at us, as we offer ours to them. In that reflection, in that simple circle of love and sharing, we will find that missing link that we have been long searching for, and an experience that is truly beyond this world. By caring for, protecting and nurturing that which is most precious on this earth, we will also be cared for. By feeding those who are hungry, we will be fed deep within our own hearts and souls. By loving those who are forgotten, we will know amazing love! The indigenous children of the Andes have a rare gift for this world, and we want to invite you to experience this. Together, we can truly lift each other up. In the 2nd half of 2014 Amistad Sagrada, a Non-Profit Service Organization working in Peru, will begin offering opportunities for friends worldwide to experience this gift of love through co-collaborative beyond sustainable service projects in the Andes. We look forward to sharing more of this amazing journey with you as it unfolds! Thank you for reading this. Please send us a friend request, like us and share us with your friends. Visit our timeline for many wonderful photos and more writings. Your friendship and support in helping us spread the word is so much appreciated! With Love from the Andes. Namaste, Sanan
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:49:24 +0000

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