Greetings Friends, Welcome to another power packed week. I cant - TopicsExpress


Greetings Friends, Welcome to another power packed week. I cant believe January has almost flown by. We have had some intense and yet beautiful experiences. This month has definitely given us a glimpse of how this year will be like. Lots of introspection, hearing and healing oneself and truly shining our light. This week preps us for the amazing energy that is to follow. Keep in mind that we have to feel that love, joy and intimacy with and for our dreams. If we do not feel the passion, the world around us will seem dull. So know, you have to plug yourself into your own light outlet to SHINE. The next week as stated above is POWERFUL to say the least. The energy is definitely bursting and cant be restrained for much longer. Are you ready to walk through in this flow. If you are reading this and thinking all of this high energy talk is not for you, think again, my dear friend, because this is EXACTLY for you and you alone. I am talking to you, asking you to IGNITE your power and light. You have what it takes to make this year the BEST year of your life so far, the question is ARE YOU READY TO LIVE IT AS YOUR BEST! Our connection to everything around is growing. Remember, our planet, our Mother, our Home needs us at this moment. Give Her your love, your respect and nurture her. Walking with the planet will GUARANTEE you success. When you walk with the Earth Goddess know all abundance, love, prosperity and joy will be yours because you respect Her and all of Her CREATION. This week is one when all your prayers are answered. Yes, all that you have been working towards is about to bring you Huge success. The question is, are you affirming, I AM READY ! If you are looking into birthing a new project then this week definitely guarantees you success. Again, this is YOUR time to shine. You have to STAND UP and CLAIM your essence and your divinity. You have to hold the lamp of your Divinity in your hands. It is time to Emerge. This world is filled with magic. If you are blind to it, you will see none of it, but if you look out for it, it is in every moment. It is how YOU look at the world which creates your picture of it. The world is now calling you to embrace your own magic. You have so much to give, so much to learn, ask for and receive too. The question is do you think yourself worthy of what the world has to offer you. Often times, when we are given a gift, we shy away and say No, Thank You, and my question is WHY? Why do you feel so bad about receiving? You are indirectly signalling to the Universe that you think of yourself as unworthy for all the gifts it has to offer you. Change that seed of unworthiness inside you. Stand tall, walk straight, own your power and YES you deserve the BEST for yourself. The world/Universe has lots to give. This week also asks you to re-evaluate relationships. Whether it is your relationship with yourself, your Higher Self, your emotions, your physical self. It is important how YOU see these many different aspects of you. When you see your imperfections, how do you treat them and yourself. When you see your talents do you undermine them? It is important to strengthen your relationship with yourself. So my dear friends, Enjoy this week because it promises to be beautiful and a creative delight. Love yourself more each day. Shared from my Heart, ALWAYS
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:45:48 +0000

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