Greetings From richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ Creator - TopicsExpress


Greetings From richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ Creator Vincent Jr, Get ready to transform your life and enjoy 1 hour of power (for FREE) with the Speed Wealth Systems Co-Founder, and 8-figure industry icon... Mark Hoverson on Saturday! This online event should be a minimum $97-$197 to attend, but we are going to let you in on it for free because you gave our speed wealth system a shot. Here are the details... 8-Figure Earner Reveals Live: His 7 Secrets To Transform Your Life RIGHT NOW. - Multi-Millionaire Mark Hoverson is about to share his rapid life transformation formula live... (read below for more details) Click here to register for this free live online event! Multi-Millionaire Mark Hoverson is about to share his rapid life transformation formula live... the 7 step blueprint that took him from trailer park living to the life of his dreams in only one year #1: Discover Mark Hoversons 7 Secrets To Transform Your Life Right Now! #2: Discover Mark Hoversons 7 Step Blueprint That Took Him From Trailer Park Living To The Life Of His Dreams! #3: Discover How Mark Transformed His Life With No Techy Skills... (He can still barely run an online event by himself) #4: Discover A Few Of Marks Closing Secrets That He Has Used To Close Millions Online & On The Phone! #5: Discover The Products Mark Leveraged To Grow His Multi-Million Dollar Business Fast! #6: Discover The Wisdom Hes Shared With Others That Have Created 6 & 7 Figure Industry Leaders In A Year. #7: Discover Why Network Marketing Industry Leaders Pay Mark Up To $50,000 For Private Sessions! (No, hes not going to sell you on a private session, but you will see why top industry leaders seek him out daily.) #8: Discover the 7 most important tweaks you should be making to your business in 2014 for FAST RESULTS. #9: How to easily setup your future million dollar business and capture a 6-figure lifestyle in 2014. #10: Discover why Mark only works about 4 hours a day and plays... but he still manages to run a million dollar business. Click here to register for this free live online event! See you live on Saturday! Vincent Ortega Jr. =========== previous email below ============ You are on this email list because you richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ to find out why thousands of people were making their first $20 online in less than 24hrs. (over 2000+ members have signed up for our speed wealth system in less than 3 days) One of the biggest concerns of our online money making industry is the integrity of the company, and the integrity of the affiliates of the company. ...and you should be! ...there is so much junk online right now. ...but we are here to bring the light back to this industry! ...and because I appreciate your time by checking out our system... I wanted to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes of our members integrity, the integrity of our company, and how we run our speed wealth system training & operations once you get inside. Click here to watch the video inside of our private fb group that I sent out to all of our members. You will see why you are only one click away from joining the most integrity filled community in the online industry. If you arent a part of that group yet, its free to join, simply click the join group button on the top of the facebook group when you land on that page and someone will accept you in. Here is a screen shot of the video you are about to watch. Here is what our members had to say about this video... As you can see, a new comment is coming in every few minutes, and thats because our members are a community with full integrity. They arent just here to make money, they are truly here to change your life. (naturally a lot of money is coming from that.) So watch this video now... ...and I will see you in the private facebook group. Speed Wealth System Creator, Vincent Ortega Jr. PS: remember if you havent joined that group yet, you will have to request to join before you can see that video. Someone will accept you in within just a few minutes. ============ previous email below ============== You are receiving this email because you signed up to learn more about the Speed Wealth System richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ ... and now because you had faith in us, I am about to share something that is going to change your life and business forever. **** Pay close attention to what I am about to say below *** What I am about to share with you should be paid for If you implement what I am about to share with you below, you will make way more sales of your product or service in 2014 with ease, speed, pleasure & your buyers will love you more than ever. **** You are about to make people sell themselves **** People will love you for doing this as well What you are about to see below is the reason why we made over 1,500+ sales in the last two days of our Speed Wealth System. Lesson #1: - Leadership means to listen. Naturally... most of us are stubborn as hell and think that we know it all - when in reality, true leadership starts with listening to the desires of your potential customers first. Lesson #2 - How they start to sell themselves. I sent out a survey to our email list of 50,000 people and asked them, why they havent joined our Speed Wealth System yet, even though they were seeing thousands of others having success right now, making their first money online? (PS: use a simple service like surveymonkey to send out surveys to your potential clients and customers asking them what they want from you.) In the survey I sent out the other day right here: => https://surveymonkey/s/LNV8SR6 ...the response was an overwhelming... We need a little bit more time to test it out... is there anyway you can offer a 14 or 30 day trial inside of the system? If you believe so much in your system, then give us a 14 to 30 day free trial offer to test it out. ^^^^^ that one got me fired up (in a good way) ^^^^^ So those questions are the summary that I really got out of reading those surveys. That was massive value that I just received from our potential customers that I needed to hear. Lesson #3 - Craft the offer to their desires. So what did I do? I listened to the desires of our potential customers! So the next day... (hint: implement fast) I created a company wide 14 day trial offer (didnt want to do a 30 day trial because I wanted our affiliates to get paid faster, and 14 days is plenty long enough for people to experience what we have to offer and get into massive profit.) Lesson #4 - Dont accidentally make your product cheap. Make sure you dont give away beyond what you need to, or your product or service will become cheap in the eyes of your potential customers. 14 days was plenty in my situation... (it was right on the border line of I believe in our product this much to give it to you for 14 days vs... if I gave a 30 trial offer, they would have figured our product was cheap.) Lesson #5 - Analyze the results of your offer. So guess what happened with that 14 day trial we launched after listening to the feed back of our potential customers? We had record breaking days during our offer! because I listened to the people (and not myself) We had 250+ people join us the first day, 550+ join us the second day, and over 850+ people join us on that final day of that trial offer phase our potential customers requested. because of that survey... 1650+ people joined our company FAST! ...and now the momentum of our company has gone through the roof because of this offer! (you say, well it was free? so no big deal, well, maybe so, but did you know the retention rate of our trial offers are above 75% ;) So that means at least, 1,237 of those people will stick with us, and start living their dream life in 2014! (which is still our biggest three day member join period in company history.) the near future we will be having over 1,000 people join us per day, but my point here is, that you can excel the growth of your company so much faster when you use this strategy. ...remember... momentum is the key! ...once you have it... dont stop... and it will grow like weeds! Lesson #6 - Bonus value & thoughts (psychology) The wild thing is... We have a 7 day trial that everyone knows about & it converts new potential customers into buyers very well... ...but there is something magical about the 14 day window. Here are my thoughts about it... I believe 14 days is long enough for people to think, well if I get caught up this week, ill still have another week. ...and the 7 day trial is, crap, I better make sure that I am available this week, or I will just wait to sign up next week. So as you can see... its a huge difference ^^^^ Lesson #7 - Put this into action starting today! I say all of this above to give you an awesome lesson in the way you should craft your offers in the future, and also to say, LISTEN TO YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS FIRST. Anytime that you are about to launch something, or anytime you have a product or service you are wanting to sell, use a survey process so you can get a feel of what people want from you or the product. Even if I was just an affiliate of a company, I would make a survey process for my potential customers that I would send to all of them. ....and lesson 8 will show you why ;) Lesson #8 - They will sell themselves when you do this! There is also another psychological effect that happens with a survey process as well. Once someone fills out your survey and asks for something, and then you come back with their desire, (like I did with our 14 day free trial offer) - your potential customers are now subconsciously obligated to purchase your product or service. They just sold themselves and they didnt even know it! Lesson #9 - The everybodys doin it secret. Here is the magic! When you announce the results and say, everyone wanted this (which was the 14 day trial in this case) you naturally embed a desire to on the fence people who didnt even take the time to fill out the survey in the first place! The reason why? ....people listen and always follow the crowd ;) ...they figure... well if that is what the majority said & wanted, then I should probably give it a shot as well. They just sold themselves and they didnt even know it! Lesson #10 - Its time to go implement and crush it! What I just shared with you above is honestly worth thousands of dollars of value in your life (if you actually take heed to what I just told you and you run with it.) So go rock this out today! **** Now you can have them sell themselves in 2014 **** **** Your buyers will actually thank you for doing this **** from your friend & speed wealth system creator, Vincent Ortega Jr. PS: Dont keep this free lesson I just shared with you to yourself. Make sure you share this with the world and let people know. Why? Because the more value that you share with the world, the more income that you will make. People love when you sell them something only after you give them massive value first. So start sharing tips like the one I just gave you today, then when you start selling your product, you will find that sales will come easy :) Simple equation... The more value you give = the more income you will make. ============ previous email below =========== Email subject line: Cha-Ching! - Congrats! You have just referred a new Apprentice! That subject line Cha-Ching is the exact same subject line that you will receive every time you refer a new customer to our Speed Wealth System and make $20 per month for the life of the customer! Just yesterday alone... it happened over 250 times for our members! Yes... 250 new members joined our company yesterday! So I asked this question earlier today to my facebook friends. (not the entire company, just my fb friends) If you have made money online with the Internet Lifestyle Network & the Speed Wealth System, please post below, lets just see how many of you rockstars are having results!!!??? Say, Cha-Ching in the comments below if you have... ...and here was all the awesome responses... my ears are still ringing from the cash register... CHA-CHING! I had to split this up in a bunch of screen shots because there were so many of them. If you cant see images in this email... you will need to enable them now. Isnt it about time to stop watching people make money? click here to get your own cha-ching emals & $20 bills richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ Vincent Ortega Jr. ======== previous email below ======== Let me ask you a question...??? Are you tired of building a network marketing team only to find out they vanished after 30-60 days? Yep... I was there! I didnt know the secret to keeping them around either! ...and I quit, just like you have probably quit before! But now I know how to keep them around! So let me share the secret with you today... So really the question is... How do you build a team that pays you forever, vs... building a team that quits in 30-60 days, which is unfortunately our industry average. Here is the eye opening thing you need to know. Tools and products will pay you for a couple months, while communities will pay you for life. Let me say that again... Tools and products will pay you for a couple months, while communities will pay you for life. So here is the secret... Get inside a community & learn how to build your own, then naturally build out your own community on the side until you become the big shot - and raise up your own rockstars under your tutelage. But... is the huge problem. 99% of people just arent built to create and manage communities, its an overwhelming task that most people frankly hate because its time consuming. Thankfully for you... I LOVE PEOPLE... So I have built a community for you that will pay you for life, instead of you having to do all the community work that I do everyday. Everyday I have distributors bring new team members into our company, only for that distributor to check out for about a month after they bring in a bunch of people... (doesnt happen all the time, but this is natural in network marketing) - people get burnt out. Then a month later... That distributor who brought in a bunch of people checks back in and they come back with a complete surprised look on their face to find out that many of their team members are still active in the company! - (without them even being around!) This only happens in our company... I know... It is crazy... They are used to seeing their team drop like flies in all of their other organizations when they check out for a little bit, or have family issues, or health issues, or whatever their excuse is... But not here! Not in the Internet Lifestyle Network Family! You see... I know that my God given gift was to run a community of entrepreneurs in the millions and figure out a way to keep people engaged, active, and most importantly, consistently making money! Its what I do... I was born to be in this position... So basically... What I am telling you... YOUR LUCKY THAT I AM KINDA CRAZY ABOUT PEOPLE... - so you are lucky you have this opportunity. Its not because I am cool. Its just because I cant help it... So... If you can get people into our company, (which its simple, all you have to do is forward an email) - I will take care of the rest for you. Now of course it helps when you stay engaged, big time, but I can tell you this... you will be surprised at how you dont need to hand hold all of your people, because our company takes care of everyone. Our systems are in place... You dont have to explain a darn thing... All you have to do is show people this video. Thats it! Then let our automated almost magical speed wealth system take over for you, and the person will get back to you if they have any questions AFTER they watch the full system. (you dont have to create a home party, meeting, go to an event, get on the phone, three-ways, non of that junk) All you have to do is show people this video. Thats it! Sit behind your computer screen and... Show people this video. Majority of the time, you wont have to answer a thing, the only thing you will be doing is welcoming them into our company, and making your first $20 online! Join this private facebook group and you can see the 100s of people that just joined us today. I say all of this above to tell you... We got your back... and if you havent started yet... for your families future... Please stop watching everyone else make money in front of you, and start making money for yourself with our simple richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ ...and if you dont get started with us... At least understand the powerful lesson I just gave you. Remember... Your products and training, and whatever cool gadget that you have to offer the world WILL NEVER pay you for life. The only thing that will pay you for life is building an amazing and powerful community of like minded individuals that ACTUALLY care about each other like family. Thats one of the most difficult things to pull off on the planet, so everyday I am thankful to the Man upstairs who gave me those gifts to be able to serve you and do this for you. You can see that community right here in front of your eyes. The other thing... If you want to build a community yourself, be prepared to NEVER SLEEP haha... (its weird, I love that though...) - I sacrifice my sleep so you all can live the #internetlifestyle dream life. (playing around on the computer all day making a bunch of money.) Remember... I like it though... I know... kinda weird haha! I get more joy in life, by seeing you succeed... There really isnt much else in life I enjoy more besides (watching my baby girl learn new things) - shes so fun to watch. Here is her celebrating 1 year old birthday cake smashing pictures she just did last weekend, they came out so cute :) hehe... ok sorry... I am a proud daddy, I had to show her off. So what I am saying here??? Take advantage of me today! richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ ...they sign up, and you make $20/month from them, over and over and over and over and over! Hint: you can make up to $8000/person as well ;) Along with $192/month if you choose that route. You only need 44 people and you are making 6-figures a year! #justsaying ^^^^ #helpmehelpyou only if you want to live a dream life. Vincent Ortega Jr. My baby girl and I having fun in my office :) ========= previous email below ========== People can say they have created something new and totally unique to change the way the income is generated on our planet... People can say they have created something that is the quickest purchase to profit system on the planet where people make their first $20 online in less than 24hrs... (all the time!) People can say anything... Talk is cheap though... You have to ask??? But can they prove the results? We can here at the richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ We had over 250 people join us yesterday alone! ... and not by some gurus big email list, we are having average - regular day people, bringing in their first people ever, and making money online for their very first time in their life after years and years of struggle and pain! Here are just some of the messages I received today in my facebook inbox that will either make you say, wow I am joining right now - or its going to make you angry (and youll still join) because you have been doing it the hard way your entire life. The below screenshots and testimonials of just yesterday alone, were NOT asked for, they were just people showing their gratitude in my fb inbox, on their facebook statuses, or inside our group. I repeat... THEY WERE NOT PAID to give these testimonials. They were just so excited about making money online yesterday... they shared freely with the world and I results. (so now I am sharing it with you) #1 Suzanne just made her first $20 online!!! Minute by minute I am getting these messages, I just found this one that was sent to me while I was sleeping earlier. Screenshot of my phone earlier today... Hi Vincent, I just wanted to thank you for ILN! Today I got my first cha ching email and it is awesome! Finally I can start to believe in myself and setting my goals! I love the training and I feel like I grow a bit every day! Thanks for everything! Cha Ching, I love it and will get much more of them. - Suzanne Greman Suzanne can finally believe in herself and network marketing again because of the Internet Lifestyle Networks speed wealth system!!! Wooohooo. #2 Oh this one is really going to annoy network marketers that are used to slaving away to cold calls, three-ways, phone scripts, home meetings, events, etc... Screenshot of my phone earlier today... I just got my first surprise signup. I happened to log in my back office (ILN website) and saw that someone had joined my team! Thank you speed wealth or however it happened! Well Ive had sign ups before, but this is the first time it was someone I never even talked to. I had to send him an email and ask him to connect with me on facebook so I can add him to our groups! - Jeff Benedek James just got an automated sign up and made a $20 bill from someone he doesnt even know, while he wasnt even working! Yep, this is what I am trying to tell yall, the #internetlifestyle is the most dreamy way to make money on this planet! #3 Damien just made his first $20 online in less than 24hrs like our thousands of other members are doing right now! Wow Damien just made $20 bucks in literally less than 24 hours whos next!!! You are a rockstar my friend! Inbox him to find out about this Speedy Wealth System! - Richard Ortega Screenshot of my phone earlier today... #4 Rob Shepherd made $20 online in less than 24hs after we launched our new speed wealth system! (just like our thousands of other members are doing right now.) Speed wealth baby in less than 24hrs someones life has just been changed. - Rob Shepherd Screenshot of my phone earlier today... #5. How about an automated sale while Dr F Gianmichael Salvato was in the hospital battling Pneumonia... Dont think the system works? Well help me welcome my friend, Peter Pelt, who joined us through the system, while I was in the hospital with minor complications from pneumonia. - Dr F Gianmichael Salvato Screenshot of my phone earlier today... Yep... You dont even need to be present to make money online with our automated system! We do all the work for you when you cant work. I dont think a job will ever do that for you! #6 Hey Vincent I finally made it over to ILN! Should of done this a long time ago Thanks for all you do! You are freakn awesome, so glad Im apart of this community now! Ready to rock out this speed wealth system- holy cow! This is too simple! - Lindsay Adams Screenshot on my computer earlier today... #7 My phone is literally about to over heat from all the notifications of people reaching out to me with excitement of making their first $20 online in less than 24hrs with the launch of our new Speed Wealth System last night! Screenshot of my status earlier today... This is crazyness... the billion dollar vision has started! Either you get in now, and start making money online today, or you get in later and wish you started today because everyone of your friends were making money months ago while you were just watching them. Click here to start right now richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ We want you to become a part of this family! Ill chat with you soon Vincent Ortega Jr. PS: you want to see how easy this really is? Read the email below... ======= previous email below ======= Read this email below, this is the exact email that thousands of people are sending to their friends and email lists right now that is making them $20 online in less than 24hrs! Yes... its this simple... just send an email like this. === here is the email they are sending below === Greetings my friend, I had to forward this to you! I am so excited for you to see this amazing Speed Wealth System that will show you how to make your first $20 online in the next 24 hrs. Its never been this simple to make money... All you have to do is forward an email just like the one you are reading right here, right now... and the automated system does all of the remaining work for you. But first, you have to click this richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ ...and get your own email that you can forward to others and automatically get your first $20 online today! Then watch how the system guides you along the path to creating your very first $20 online in the next 24hrs. Sometimes people make money within their first hour of signing up! It just depends on how fast you get in and forward your first email, like this one I forwarded to you just now. The company owner and 7-figure online earner, Vincent Ortega Jr., also has a crazy guarantee that, if you dont make a profit in your first 30 days, he will send you $100 cash for wasting your time... So we have nothing to lose for giving it a shot... Thats why I love this! NO RISK! Click this richardacuff.internetlifestylenetwork/ to get your own personal email to forward... ...and you can earn your first $20 online, in the next 24hrs, with me. After you click the link above, you will find that there are people out here making anywhere from $40 to $30,000 part time, within 1 month, using this exact same Speed Wealth System. So the income is really up to us! Its all about taking action on what they show us, and taking action fast. Thats why I am sending you this email right now and getting this System into your life SUPER FAST. The system was created by two 7-figure earners and one 8-figure earner, so they definitely know what they are doing! Just remember... Making your first $20 online today... Is as simple as forwarding an email, just like I forwarded you this email today. Watch this video to see all the people who are making money online, part time, from the comfort of their own home, with this amazing Speed Wealth System! Watch the video here. Your friend. ======= previous email below ======= On our last online event that you can still see right here if you would like, we did a $100 video challenge... Where we promised to give 5 random people $100 if they shot a video about ILN and the new group strategy that we have going on that is currently crushing out sales like we have never seen around here before. Well... Our amazing executive assistant and her cute little girls did the drawing for us in cabo mexico! Here is the video they made & the winners: https://facebook/photo.php?v=797610836917173 Its SUPER CUTE... you will love the video. Ill follow up with you this afternoon. Boom Vincent Jr. ======== previous email below ======== After closing over 10,000+ sales in network marketing and generating over $2,000,000 in sales in the last 8 months... I want to share with you how I did this seemingly impossible feat. One of the biggest lessons that I have learned when closing sales is that confidence will win the sale every time... but... you wont have the confidence to close sales until you become armed with wisdom that allows you to go there. (I am about to share the secret below) Pay very close attention... Shut off all distractions because this will change your entire life moving forward if you take heed to what I am about to share with you... Anthony Robbins said it the best, the person who is the most confident during the conversation wins it every time. (its in one of his youtube videos, its a wild back story, basically he was broke as hell going to these conferences working for someone, but because he was so confident in what he was saying and selling, he always made the sale, became the best sales person at the conference, then eventually started his own business, and the rest is history.) *now hes worth about 480 million.* One of the great questions you are probably thinking of right now is... but where does your confidence come from when you start out? For me... I received my confidence from Mark Hoversons wisdom and trainings on how to close sales. After watching the trainings, I simply embodied Marks confidence/techniques and literally overnight, I went from average at closing to probably one of the best in the world. (humble of course) (You can find his training inside of ILNU here) However... I was ready to receive it... I had put in my time, effort and desire into closing sales previously to the training as well, so naturally I embodied what Mark said, and was able to run with it faster than most people ever have... Also... For me its a bit #faithbased... I feel when God knows you are ready to lead & change lives, then He gives you the gift of leadership. (naturally leadership allows you to close sales faster than most humans would ever believe possible.) Even if your not faith based... When the world knows your ready you will be ready... The problem with most people is they want instant results of skills that take many many hours to acquire, sometimes days and weeks and years... So remember... I had put in previous effort before Marks training, but even when I watched Marks trainings... I watched them, over and over and over, until I became an expert. I even fell asleep to them every night. (and now I am probably as good as Mark at closing... and even better sometimes
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:59:49 +0000

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