Greetings! Its WHATNOT Wednesday time! When was the last time you - TopicsExpress


Greetings! Its WHATNOT Wednesday time! When was the last time you took inventory of your life? Whats that mean? Glad you asked! Earlier as I began my day, I intentionally took time to rid one my bookshelves of old whatnots to make room for some new things Ive acquired. As I did this I reflected on when, why & how I had accumulated certain items & did a ranking of sorts to determine what needed to be let go & what needed to stay. Now, Ill admit Im not very good at tossing out old things because somehow, someway in my mind I always find some excuse to hold on to it. But, after noticing that I couldnt fit my new stuff because I had too much old stuff, I mustered the strength to part ways with some things. While laughing at myself in the process it brought this post full circle for me. How many of us are clinging to OLD things in our lives? How many whatnots are cluttering our space? I say whatnots, because the word itself merely means extra stuff that doesnt even have enough relevancy to be named. Let that marinade. What are you still holding onto? Is it a person, memory, vice/habit or experience? How is one to make room for, incorporate, appreciate & position ourselves to receive the NEW things God has for us if our space is still packed with OLD whatnots? Well, the simple answer is we cant. But, before we get all bent out of shape about it lets realize that theres a simply solution. Its called release! Free yourself of whatever old things that you no longer have use for. As you do this, youll probably also uncover your peace thats been buried under the clutter. CHALLENGE for today: Rid the things of old! And dare I suggest that you dont have to take my word for it. Its in the Word! And if its Word, I dont know about you, but I have enough faith to believe its in my best interest to take heed to it. Isaiah 43:18-19 ~18 Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. ~19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?~ (theres more text in verse 19) MAKE today a great day!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:47:41 +0000

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