Greetings My Minions, Je Suis Charlie As I compose this, - TopicsExpress


Greetings My Minions, Je Suis Charlie As I compose this, the nation of France is wrestling with the aftermath of a terrorist attack. The target of the attack was a Magazine, Charlie Hebro. This magazine is very similar to the American MAD Magazine. We, as Americans, hold our selves up as being the guardians of Freedom. We have sent troops into numerous countries to preserve human rights since 1776. Also, we have imposed sanctions, embargos, withheld aid and support and other actions to ensure the liberties of the people are not interfered with. If I were to attempt to list every country we, as Americans, have tried to help, there would be too many countries to list. I am sure I would forget some. The country that I can not forget is France. In almost every war or political action, France has backed the USA. Yes, there was the French and Indian War, and, as soon as America sent the first advisors to Viet-Nam, the French pulled out, but, for the most part, the French have stood with us in our quest to ensure Freedom for the world. This past weekend in Paris, the world sent representatives Paris to Honor the victims, and to show their solidarity. The President of the United States of America, The leader of the Free World, has an entire Aircrew, Airborne Medical Team and, support staff standing by on 24 hour, 5 minute-airborne, alert status, along with a fleet of Helicopters and a pair of VC 25s, all at his beckon call. But, sadly he could not find time in his busy schedule to travel to Paris. Im sorry, I forgot, the Occupant of the White House, has proven once again, he has no FREEKIN clue, never has had one, and likely to never get one. MR. President, how can the country, who named Freedom of the Press, the First Amendment, (as in: First, not Second, not Kind of Important, but FIRST, THE MOST important, none more important), How can this country NOT send a representative or two to Paris. Are only our rights important? Are the rights of the writers, editors, cartoonists, of American publications the only one that count? Are the writers, and editors of Other Countries publications not as important ? If those editors, writers or cartoonist die, it is not important? I heard a news report this morning that the Secretary of State, was, too busy to attend also. I guess that must have been one HELL of a playoff weekend party at the White House. NOT ONE of the PRESIDENTS butt boys were TOO FREEKIN BUSY?????? I will bet anyone a dollar, they did not miss a play of the football games this weekend!!!! As an American, it embarrasses me to make apologies for my President. He, or a proper government official should have been there this past weekend. Our President is an embarrassment to me, and to my country. To the people of France, and to the offices of Charlie Hebro, I am sorry for your loss. I stand with you in remembering those brave souls you lost. JE SUIX CHARLIE !!!!! To the people of France: Please do not take the inaction of the President of the United States as a personal affront. He is much more of an embarrassment to the citizens of the United States than you will ever know. We elected him, and we, as a country, now have to bear the embarrassment of our actions. In trying to prove the we are good enough to elect our FIRST, and trying to close an embarrassing chapter in our own history, we foolishly voted for this piece of crap we call Leader of the Free world. I, as an American, can not be more embarrassed. He should have been standing up for your rights as well. I am sorry we elected him president. France, Please forgive us fore we know not what we do. Carla Jones, you can try to defend the Idiot-in-Chief, but you would be wrong.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:26:40 +0000

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