Greetings, O people of the page! (as one friend of mine likes to - TopicsExpress


Greetings, O people of the page! (as one friend of mine likes to say) Today is December 24th, which makes tonight Christmas Eve. As many of you know, I am not a Christian. I am Deist, which put simply means I dont believe in a deity that controls my life, or anyones for that matter. If you do and this brings you comfort, I do not take issue with that. So why do I celebrate Christmas? Well I like to think of it as a time for people to try to be nice to each other, and engage in the spirit of giving. For those of you who are Christians, I am well aware that you celebrate this time as the birth of your savior. Again, I have no issue with this in any way shape or form. What I do take issue with is people of any stripe, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Atheist, what have you, rushing through Thanksgiving dinner, standing in or sitting in a line waiting for the stores to open for Black Friday, so they can stomp, push, shove their way to the front of the pack, and in some cases commit outright assault, to get the latest Divorcee Barbie with all of Kens shit... (insert toy, or great deal of your choice.. You get the idea...) Then some of these wonderful examples of humanity try to tell others that Jesus is the reason for the season..Really???? I wonder if these folks have read any of his words... (Note.. I have.. Just because I dont follow the Bible doesnt mean I have not read it cover to cover several times.) I know that all Christians do not act this way, just the same as I know all Muslims do not fly planes into buildings, or practice Sharia law, and guess what... most Atheists are not Satan worshipers. (The latter one kind of goes against the whole idea of not worshiping any deity, ya know) Believe it or not, I dont get pissed off, or offended, or outraged when someone wishes me a Merry Christmas. Personally, I think Happy Holidays is a cop out! We have become so afraid of offending others, we may as well hide in our shells and not come out again. I abhor political correctness! So from this godless heathen, I wish everyone on my list a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:46:29 +0000

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