Greetings, The Auditing process is going on well. I must say its a - TopicsExpress


Greetings, The Auditing process is going on well. I must say its a long list since for the last one Month I was assigned to take charge of the Auditing process. If you have been checking your portal carefully, some of you have school status as pending graduate If such status is appearing on your portal, that means you are good to continue and process your application for graduation. I am still working on this database to come up with a clean data. Status will keep on changing and finally when am done, there will be first graduation list which I will post it here for you guys to see who has totally cleared all the academic requirements for graduation. The first list will be ready by latest next week Thursday. Time is running out and we do operate 5 days in a we have 10 days remaining for you to process your application for graduation. Lets try and avoid the long queues during last minute rush....I am situated in Athi and you can get those forms from me plus a clean Audit report. For the people with weird grades please follow up with relevant people. if your grades were presented at exams-Office.....follow up with examination officer in Athi River and make sure you dont have any weird grade. I have noticed some people did wrong courses, You can talk with your HOD to see if they can substitute those courses with the ones you were supposed to do. Mistakes do happen and anyone can make any mistake. Only HODs and Deans can help you with missing grades, wrong grades, clarification of required credits for completion of your major, and they will advice you on the way forward if a mistake happened. God Bless you, and enjoy your weekend.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:46:46 +0000

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