Greetings. This was to precede the latter insertion The Child - TopicsExpress


Greetings. This was to precede the latter insertion The Child the Pharaoh and Queen Nefertiti presented to the world There were preliminary occurrences to Jeane Dixon’s delivery of the most profound vision of her life. While reading the steps toward a great revelation I concluded that the steps to revelation are as significant as the revelation itself. Here I am able to present my understanding of the connection to ‘Nile and Sphinx, a Buried Past’ The book, A Gift of Prophecy, was published in 1965, in the midst of the American Sixties America’s Civil Rights movement…. The subject of much controversy centered on the treatment of, identity of, and rights of those formerly bonded and in the aftermath not quite released from that bondage. Jeane was a psychic and reported her extraordinary ‘gift of prophecy’ on a consistent basis to those who eagerly sought her advise and direction. This one vision and the steps leading to it is particularly note -worthy. Three nights before Jeane’s vision she was meditating in her room when she became aware that the light was dimming. Glancing up, she saw the five bulbs of the crystal chandelier go dark, except for a curious round ball which glowed brilliantly in the center of each bulb in the chandelier. Strangely frightened Jeane ran into her husband’s bedroom and told him of the light. Mr. Dixon assumed that a fuse for one circuit had blown, but when he started down the hall to investigate he noticed that Jeane’s chandelier was again burning brightly, This scenario of dimming of the chandelier lights and reversal happened three nights in a row. It was a sign to Jeane that something was about to happen. Ruth Montgomery described Jeane’s experience the next morning after oversleeping and rising before sunup: The Baby They presented to the world As she gazed outside Jeane saw, not the bare-limbed trees and city street below, but a bright blue sky above a barren desert. Just above the horizon was the brightest sun that she had ever seen, glowing like a golden ball….. Splashing from the orb in every direction were brilliant rays which seemed to be drawing the earth toward it, like a magnet. Stepping out of the brightness of the sun’s rays , hand in hand, were a Pharaoh and Queen Nefertiti. Cradled in the Queen’s other arm was a baby, his ragged, soiled clothing in startling contrast to the gorgeously arrayed royal couple. “The eyes of this child were all knowing” Jeane says softly, “They were full of wisdom and knowledge. A little to the side of Queen Nefertiti, Jeane could glimpse a pyramid. While she watched entranced, the couple advanced toward her and thrust forth the baby as if offering it to the entire world. Within the ball of the sun Jeane saw Joseph, (Who ? the son sold into slavery by his brothers???…. This baby belonged to the servant class. Yet presented by the regal family suggested a member of their bloodline the bonded on the paternal side… the father… bonded…. because the pharaoh and Queen parented only daughters…. One of Pharaoh’s daughters, the mother. So Moses a child of one of Pharaoh’s daughters, which Freud insists scripture suggests. Butt that is not the only clue of Moses bloodline… the biggest indication is in Genesis 41… Pharaoh’s daughter adopted a Hebrew child.. And brought him to live in Pharaoh’s house… Jeane describes the presenting of the child to humanity. Now rays of light burst forth from the baby blending with those of the sun and obliterating the Pharaoh from her sight. Off to the left, she observed that Queen Nefertiti was walking away, “ thousands of miles into the past’ The Queen paused beside a large brown wade jug, and as she stooped and cupped her hand to drink she we stabbed in the back by a dagger. Jeane says she ‘distinctly heard her death scream as she vanished (p.171) Jeane ‘s vision described Queen Nefertiti ‘s murder. This unique insight permeated from a number of Jeane’s revelations. Did her vision reveal a mystery that has yet to be fully explored? Fascinating! Question… Were they both… the royal couple that Jeane saw in her vision, who presented the special child to the world, were they both murdered? The epiphany revealed the disappearance of Akhenaten. Some records report the disappearance of the pharaoh after the fourth year of reign… that he was not seen in public from that time… No ceremonies were held for his funerary process… That may be attributed to the fact that he was deposed… overthrown… not allowed to serve out his term…That is significant because of the epiphany of this four year old child who witnessed a kidnapping of a man who she instinctively knew would not return from the distant place, She knew this man as a part of herself…who represented a leadership, rulership governance. i.e. title.’From ‘Nile and Sphinx… prologue.. They came for him at dawn… forcing him to a distant place… earlier she had known something about his ordeal in the ‘desert’’’ without water, transportation or food… Left to the elements he became part of the soil of the desert where he was led, abandoned by his captors who deprived him of camel, water, food..,,, imploring himt to rely on the merciful Aton (sun) to save him. That conclusion of his fate by his kidnappers occurred to the little girl who carried with her his guiding spirit….through all the years, conscious of the other life… the one who witnessed the kidnapping….who did not see him again. Did his mission survive… his quest for love and peace among all the people from the source, rising for them, to the light their way, making a Nile in heaven to fall for them….How great what that source made… ‘ There is no poverty in him who knows thee’ … She knew she would not see him again after the pre dawn kidnapping. She noted: Seated above on the plateau to my lef, left four sculptured figures… they secretly applauded his fall from grace….. (excerpt.. Prologue… the Epiphany… ‘Nile and Sphinx…’ Having espoused opposition to some rites of passage customs long practiced in the society , and having accrued enemies within from his persistent campaign to abolish all sculpture, art, inscriptions… all ceremonies honoring Amen and Osiris as national gods of Egypt… he advocated honoring the Creator symbolized in the motion of the sun… which was not controlled by man. The Lady I found myself this night, tracing the traditions of a specific people far into the ancient past. I was well on the way to an in depth analysis of it all, deep in concentration when suddenly a shadow appeared in the far corner of the room. It was the figure of a lady. She seemed familiar, though I could not recall ever ‘seeing’ her before that pre - dawn appearance. Her spirit brought a quiet dignity to the room. I was humbled in her presence. She said nothing and did not move. Yet, there was an urgency and persistence in her gaze. She wanted to tell me something. Even though I did not fear her, I did not want to hear what she had to say. I felt crushed and small, inadequate and inferior to her. I wanted her to leave as quietly as she had come. I did not believe I could ever be what this lady had been or reach where she stood in another time and place. Yet, she wanted to tell me something. She came just that brief time, that one early dawn and never returned. I was afraid of what I might learn while sleeping, so I forced myself to stay awake following the visit. On the second or third night, I fell asleep. When I woke up I started to write. So when I read of the Pharaoh and Queen advancing forth to present the child in tattered wrappings to the royal couple, I made a connection and my initial probe began with the first five books of the Old Text, the Pentateuch… the Books of Moses. I knew that the ‘buried past’ focused on the life of that special being, named only partially because the gods (according to those who worshipped the He was simply, Mose’ a child.. unclaimed by the gods or the priests of Amon. Amen did not sanction him, Osiris did not sanction him… Neither Thut, nor Ah, nor Ra sanctioned the child adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter…. So he remained unclaimed by the gods …. A child without a sponsor… ‘Moses. yet not identified throughout scripture for the bloodline, kinship heritage he shared with those who governed. First… the theme of ‘Nile and Sphinx … a ‘buried past’… does specify how or why or what forces ‘buried’ that past. … who…. What… how… does not specify whether the river or the artifact… Nile or Sphinx… holds the secret of that past. We are grateful that the immense dignity of doing this came to a little girl who initially did not know what it all meant. Fortunately she found the path and followed it through so much challenge, anguish, pain…, Throughout her path was illuminated by the other life that guided her… the difficulty for delivering the story…. consumed her…. She followed and assistance and support ‘came’ to her… the guidance of the other life whose story she needed to tell. And the life and Gift of Jeane’s psychic vision compelled her… to persist in the clutches of stone armed resistance. The little girl turned matron prevailed remarkably as channels opened to highlight her this path, primarily because as matron she noted how much time Jeane Dixon devoted to the life of this very ancient man in this remote culture… the same individual who dominated the directions of her work. I thought, no wonder Jeane’s passing went nearly unannounced in 1997 and virtually uncelebrated or noted in the books that record great thinkers, etc. Why? I could not concrn myself with that. She brought to light so many important aspects of America’s future which were not correct… the man who would unite all peoples and all races under one Faith…of some of that path… Questions that came to me in the midst of writing. And, to make an imposition, I found this especially stimulating to my reasoning because in the process of developing materials for ‘Nile and Sphinx, a Buried Past, I too, experienced a similar ‘vision’ My prologue to the work includes a childhood ‘epiphany’ that led to my questioning probing mind and so many who failed to impress me with just one version, interpretation of divine truth. Before I reached the age of 5 years, my revelation came, not in the form of a vision but in the transition from one world to another, earlier existing world in which I participated and returned repeatedly…The setting of that place was not a part of my 4 year experience… For that reason I ‘haunted’ as Freud expressed when he was about to throw away the notes he had compiled leading to his book, Moses and Monotheism… He said, I did not believe in the possibility of publishing it, so I decided to put it away… but it haunted me like an ‘unlaid’ ghost. So with the making of ‘Nile and Sphinx….there seemed to accompany all I came to know without knowing how I came to know it… another life remained with me through all the chapters, transitions, accomplishments, losses. So I was discouraged from using sources that did not comply with hard facts to produce this intended ‘academic’ work. But the Bibliography became an open testimony of the path to the Infinite truths that rose from this work, ‘Nile and Sphinx… a Buried…’ So the family of that Pharaoh that Jeane so categorically characterized, emerges here. My experience at my Takoma Park residence in Maryland outside Washington D.C. at the height of writing in the beginning stages of writing ‘Nile and Sphinx…….’ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All the above was to precede the sharing of the data that lies beneath the identity crisis of this people. I have submitted these two pieces to finalize my page here. So I feel a great sense of exuberance as I exit my few years residence here. I am releasing myself to further tasks. I am and forever deeply in love with the life process… the miracle of it. What I intend is to just leave some photos to sit where I once sat… of the concentration. Happy ‘Sun’day. I really am done here. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Peace…. Love. (lots of it) And the Best life… ever I am
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 00:24:05 +0000

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