Greetings and Goodmorning Dearest Abba, Father God, the Creator of - TopicsExpress


Greetings and Goodmorning Dearest Abba, Father God, the Creator of ALL! Thank You for this time with You. Thankful for each passing day that You allow me to be apart of this life... Help me to draw closer to You Lord. I am so grateful and blessed that You are in my life. Thank You Father for this morning that I was ble to sleep late and to wake me uP and able to be in prayer, and to worship, praise and to give You thanks. Lord thank You, for knowing my heart and forgiving me when I missed. Help me to pray continually especially for those who do not Yet know of Your saving grace. Thanks for the Gift of life; help me Lord to use it for Your purpose. Greetings Abba, Father God; I thank You for this day to be in and with You. Father We are praying for A MIRACLE, BREAK THROUGH BLESSINGS; IN ALL AREAS of Our lives and Nations. Father, please cleanse Us of ALL impurities and worldly ways, selfish motives, lust of the flesh and eyes, the pride of life, that may draw Us away from being closer to You and Your plan and purpose for Our lives. Thank You for supplying ALL Our needs and for Your continued blessings, faithfulness, guidance on Our Young people, Lovedones, Families, Your anointing blessings on Our Pastors, bless Our Churches, Our Life Groups and Others, with special blessings, and encouragement with discernment for ALL Prayer Warriors, intercessors and Prayer Partners who are praying for others needs. Father please Protect US from the evil one Lord and help Us with the manner of Our lives and the desires of Our hearts; that Our prayers be pleasing to You, and always be in harmony with Your will. We hold this belief that You will do as You have promised and grant US the desires of Our hearts. Lord this world is going the wrong way; We need Your help to fix and keep Our eyes on You Abba, Father God; the Author and Finisher of Our faith. We pray for Our Government, Our Church Leaders, that strong believers will stand up for Your righteousness sake and that True Believers will pray and have their backs. Father, We pray a hedge of protection over Our Youths from the garbage they are being fed regarding sin, love, life and how they should be living it. Father, God give Our Youths the desire to be more than what this world has to offer and that will seek to be a part of Your family; to be a part of Your kingdom. Lord please protect those student who are being teased and bullied, Abba, please bring revival, refresh and soften hearts to be open to see, hear and receive Your way. We are blessed and thankful that You loved US so much and showed Us through Your great Love and Sacrifice of Your Son, to die on Calvarys Cross; taking Our place, and paying the penalty for Our sins that We may have Your free gift of ETERNAL life; IF We choose Him Jesus as Our Lord, Boss, Savior, Our Everything; Help US to live Our lives as a living sacrifice to You Abba, Father, Lord, help Us to love You and to live for You every day for the rest of Our lives. Father We pray for the unborn and their murders to repent and surrender from this cruel acts on innocent lives. We pray for those sick, suffering health issues, a cure cancer, for relief for those hurting, hungry, unemployed and for the many other reasons that is life here on earth. Open Our eyes Lord to see their sufferings and to help those less fortunate not only in our prayer but also with in-kind things, with encouraging words and so forth. Please heal Us in the many broken places and use Us to be a blessing, to encourage others who have fallen, been wounded, hurt, or brokenhearted; Use Us to BOLDLY share Your love through the Gospel and to be Salt and Light; the light that is Christ Jesus; which is a vital part of what is needed in this world today, especially those who are living in darkness, plummeting toward eternal death without having and or seeing the Light. Father God; We pray the Light of Your Son, Jesus; shine brightly in and through Us; showing others the Way especially to those who do not yet know You. Praying for Your way in all We do and say according to Your will. Help Us to be strong WARRIORS for You Father God; being doers of Your Word, faithful witnesses of the Light of the world. Forgives Us Father for not doling what is right in Your eyes. We are the Church, not the buildings; may We no longer trample on Your grace, but move toward loving You in words and in deeds. May We the Church be refreshed and be on fire again to worship, praise, serve and give thanks to You and be strong witness as We live Our lives for, through and in You; We pray in the precious Name of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer and Savior. Amen
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:01:42 +0000

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