Greetings and blessings everyone. On our end, the Wellness - TopicsExpress


Greetings and blessings everyone. On our end, the Wellness Wave was absolutely wonderful. We channeled Source energy for an hour, clearing past wounds and constraints, and filling the atmosphere with Love. We will be sending the personal blessings offered to each individual who participated. Below is the text of the meditation and channeling offered to everyone. You can use this as a meditation any time to enhance your feeling of power in being your true self. If desired, skip the first paragrap, which is the global meditation, and start with the personal portion. Cherished Gaia, our magnificent planet, our mother, our partner, our provider, allow the Love that we have been guided to share from the highest dimensions to flow into your atmosphere, caressing your forests, your deserts, your waters, and all the life you sustain. Allow this love to carry the message to all who wish to receive it that they are supported, loved, cherished, honored, and that they are priceless in this universe. Please flood this wise, loving energy into all dimensions of experience and all directions of time, that those who have come before, who may not have felt supported, can feel the love now. Please gently embrace all who are here now, and all who will ever be with this loving energy that they may accept it if they choose. Please carry on your winds, and through your rains this message to every individuated being, human, animal, plant, and all others, who was ever judged or ridiculed, rejected or made to conform to anothers ideas of who they should be. Include in your embrace all who were told that God was judging them, or that their parents or tribe would disown them for following their true nature. Please heal every animal and plant, every part of you that was ever judged or mistreated, is being judged or mistreated now, or who ever could be in the future. Thank you, beautiful, for dissolving all past judgements and nonacceptance out of the very air we have all breathed, from the first moment anyone ever felt judged, through today, and across all eternity. We turn now to all who have chosen to participate in this healing. Beautiful Being of Light and Love, thank you for giving yourself and the world this gift of receiving unconditional love from the creative Source of All That Is. For this Love is who you really are, who you were created to be, who you will always be, even in moments when you feel otherwise. Breathing deeply, at a pace that fills your being to its very core, allow your awareness to be filled with this Love from the highest dimensions. It is familiar, it is safe, it is everything good that you love. It is, in fact, you. It is the you who knows in you heart that you are perfect exactly as you are. It is the you who knows you came into being with unique characteristcs, your own way of being, you own way of doing things, your own way of knowing ypur truth, what works for you, and that you are just fine the way you are. Feel, for now, that no one else is here, and yet you are not alone. You are at the heart of All That Is, because, you are, in fact, your unique, precious expression of All That Is. Allow yourself to feel this new lighter atmosphere of Love, where all is acceptance, where all is forgiveness, all is forgivable, and all is already forgiven. Feel yourself doing things the way that works for you, even if your way defies convention. Feel yourself feeling successful by your own measures, even if what is important to you differs from what you have been told should be important. Remember all the times you were your true self, even when others did not accept it. Remember all the times you have been your true self when no one was watching. Remember the satisfaction of being aligned with yourself. And remember that that felt better than anything else you have ever experienced. And now, begin to feel that others are here. Others who love you, accept you, and who resonate with you. Feel how even though you are completely unique, you have so much in common with so many others who have gone before, who are here now, and who will come in the future. Imagine yourself laughing with others who share that they hug trees, talk to rocks, consult their angels, believe that rainbows have souls, meditate with faeries, or whatever else it is that you naturally do. Whatever it is about you that some do not accept, others embrace with joy. What some do not recognize, others know to be the truest blessings of your presence in Creation. You have known these others forever, and they have loved you forever, even if you have not met them yet. Imagine yourself being who you really are, and being appreciated for it. For that is the truth of your presence in Creation. You are exactly who you are supposed to be, and you are not alone. May you be blessed to find all that you seek, in abundance and joy along the way. May every day bring more of everything your heart desires.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:28:04 +0000

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