Greetings and peace be unto you from our Lord and Savior Jesus - TopicsExpress


Greetings and peace be unto you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let my life and testament be living proof that our Lord lives and sits on the throne. He has conquered all and will conquer all. Nothing is out of his hands or control. Every step that we take was planned and arranged before the creation of time and our existence. As you can see I am free! It happened yesterday on my birthday. A present from our Father and Lord and Savior. He softened the hearts of the men who held the keys to my freedom and loosed my chains and opened the gates of the jail and set me free. Bottom line is I am not suppose to be out right now. I was even transferred to an Arkansas jail where I had a warrant. The 60 days suspended that I had here in MS. didnt even show up. And only spending a few days in Arkansas was another miracle in itself from the Lord . When our Lord has a plan for us nothing stands in the way of it. With these events came an answer to a prayer that I said many months ago. I prayed that I felt His love and understood it more. Of course we know that He loves us for it is written, but as humans we cannot possibly understand the magnitude of this love. It is beyond our understanding; we simply can not comprehend it. If we receive any higher knowledge of it, it is because he allows it and has blessed us with it. My time I spent inside those walls was absolutely beautiful. I am honored and humbled that He chose me to go inside there and witness to His ppl. I have come to understand this. God does not waste my time. Every person that is put in front of me to hear His word and message was chosen before the creation of this world, even if they do not accept it. The Lord blessed me with an army of Angels when I went inside those jails and hearts were opened like I have never felt or seen. Many were saved and brought to the feet of Jesus. When you serve God the devil simply does not stand a chance. All praise goes to God in the highest. My faith increased times 10 inside those walls seeing even more proof of how powerful our Lord is. Any shred of doubt that I had about the message I have been given concerning the soon return of our Lord has been cast to the deepest pits of hell along with that slimy serpent the devil. One night before I went to bed I prayed to our Father that he send me confirmation of the warnings I have been spreading so that I may be a better witness and tool for the Lord to my fellow brothers in there. He immediately answered this prayer and sent 3 confirmations back to back to back. Confirmation number one. The first was given in a beautiful dream. I dreamed I was on my little slice of Heaven away form Heaven, our family farm, the very place I sit now. I saw a blood red planet off in the distance in the sky. It was still far off being smaller than the moon. I was excited when I saw it and ran to my friend and neighbors house across the street from the farm. When I got to their driveway there was a school bus full of ppl that I could tell were very excited to be going wherever they were going. I passed the bus and ran up the steps to their front door and my friend Richard answered. My mouth was full of something and I could not speak. All I could do was jump up and point to the red planet. My translation of this dream. Just as I have been previously shown by the Lord we will see this red planet before the Rapture. I believe this planet to be Ison; The sign of His coming.. The school bus full of ppl in my friends driveway were the Elect on their way to Heaven and they were there at my friends house to pick them up. My friends who live there have recently been saved and are full of the Lord. Confirmation number two. A friend that I just met in jail who I had many discussions with about all that is unfolding came back from medical excited pulling me to the side with news. He said another inmate in medical brought up two dreams he had, that were heavy on his mind, to the other inmates in medical. This inmate described his first dream seeing a blood red planet in the sky and the second dream seeing much of the world on fire. My friend asked this inmate if he thought these could be warnings from God. The inmate replied he does not believe in God or any of that conspiracy theory crap. I thought that was funny. God using a non believer as a confirmation. To me that is a great confirmation. Confirmation number three. One night before lights out the Lord put a group of men around me at a table to listen to the message I had. A respected person that was in the group spoke up and said this. I am not going to even lie brother. I had a dream about a red planet months ago that I remember well. This man was a new brother in Christ, did not study prophecy at all, and has never heard the message of the soon return of our Lord. He also never has heard of Ison or the red winged planet the ancient civilizations warned us about thousands of years ago. Friends, these are not just coincidences. They are answered prayers., its as simple as that, and I thank the Lord with all my heart. Please do not be foolish. Listen to the Lord when he speaks. He doesnt waste his breathe when he speaks and neither do I . Our Lord returns soon and after judgement will fall on this wicked world. The Bible says that many that claim to be of Christ will be left behind in the Rapture of the Church. The parable of the foolish virgins who did not have oil in their lamps tells us that half of the believers will not be ready. If you are denying this message I ask you to pray about it. The Bible says to test the spirits and lean not on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord. I claim to be a messenger form the Lord, test the spirits. For the sake of your salvation do not be one of the foolish virgins, fill your lamps. My message to all is turn from sin and run to the Lord. Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I want to thank my beloved mom grandparents and cousin for being there for me, visiting, and writing me while I was in jail. you guys are great blessings from the Lord and I love you very much. May Gods blessings be upon you. Also thank you to all my friends who supported me while I was inside too. I love all of you and thank God for you.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 03:11:16 +0000

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