Greetings beloveds of the Lord Jesus Christ our soon coming King n - TopicsExpress


Greetings beloveds of the Lord Jesus Christ our soon coming King n Savior. Blessed be His holy name n may His kingdom prosper thru His royal servants - you all n I. I have returned yesterday after 20 days in a rural District surrounded with wild montane forests n only accessible by light aircraft where God is raising a magnificent army from within all available chchs there; the Nazarene Chch, Baptists, Anglicans, Chch of Christ, n Revival Chch International, came from all corners of d District of 44,000 eligible electoral voters. After 9 yrs of Ministry (prophetic n evangelism) operation around easily accessible areas in Papua New Guinea by the Parable Prophecy of Christ in Lk 14:15-22, we were then directed to abide by Lk 14:23; Go to the highways and HEDGES n compel them to come in that my house may be filled, (when the urban n city chchs rejected Gods FINAL CALL TO REPENTANCE from PARTIAL obedience to the Eternal Truth, we went in with d chatter of an 18 seater light aircraft in Jan 2012 n did PLOWING, VINEDRESSING - Isa 61:4-5 n SOWED SEED of the breached Eternal Truth - Ps 126:5-6 as I have always made mention of (inbox me should you wish to know SPECIFIC matters). The Holy Spirit moving upon the sown breached eternal Truth by Jn 16:13 had amazingly brought together an Army of like-minded believers - Isaiah 13:3-5 n clearly Zeph 3:9 is at work. talking about all these named chchs, they have a long history of isolation from other chchs for fear of corruption creeping into their Chch or their flock being stolen. Only Gods ETERNAL TRUTH has the power (Heb 4:12) to GATHER n UNITE the Body of Christ n Zeph 3:9; And I will RESTORE to the peoples a PURE LANGUAGE that they all may call on the name of the LORD to serve Him with ONE ACCORD. Thats what Eph 4:13 said would happen thru the partnership between the fivefold ministry. God has given a very clear direction of what should happen in the last days to His Chch in preparation for the return of Christ (the Bridegroom) that is contained in the prophetic scriptures n prophets of today should be focused on this and not be blind or given to slumber - Isa 56:10. When you read onto vs 10 of Zech ch 9; it speaks of restoration of true n acceptable WORSHIP - Mat 15:7-9 which brings us back to Jn 4:23-24; some chchs worldwide are YET to enter into it, MOST are halfway (in spirit) n yet to enter into the full Eternal Truth, n a few have already entered into it; worshipping God based on the fullness His eternal Truth (by restoring d breached portion as foretold would happen by Dan 7:25) which the Holy Spirit is moving mightily to restore (Acts 3:21) thru Restorers n Repairers of the Breach - Isaiah 58:12 just like Elijah did when worship turned corrupt by breaking His Eternal Truth n going against them (wholly or partially). So this Mountain Group of believers organized a Meeting from March 1-4 n called me in to FACILITATE their EXODUS from Babylon by Rev 18:4!!!!! COME OUT of her My people... It amazes me that even the leading Theological universities n colleges on earth cant tell the world WHAT Rev 18:4 really means. Even most ministers of the Gospel CANT see whats in it for one reason; Mortal man, you live among a REBELLIOUS house, they have eyes that CANNOT see, they have ears that CANNOT hear, for they are a REBELLIOUS house. Rebellion against the Eternal Truth of God is the PRIMARY REASON for the blindness of the church today. And please lets not feel condemn bcoz we did not introduce the rebellion but the past Christian age in the North. What is IMPORTANT for all of us is to be ABLE TO RECOGNIZE that there exist a BREACH or MISSING LINK in the Eternal Truth n must take appropriate action (Mal 1:10) to REPAIR it (Isa 58:12) n pulling down the BABYLONIAN GARMENT (doctrines/laws of men) - Jer 1:10 from the midst of the Chch of God - Joshua 7:21. And most of the older generation of this District people have never been educated due to the remoteness of the area. But God speaks thru them n gives them the clear understanding of Gods purpose for the end time. So on March 4 2014 heaven witnessed with great rejoicing with representatives of 44,000 gathered to formally march out of Babylon n lifted up the Banner of Christ and Truth n blew the Trumpet (Declaration) of the breached Eternal Truth which many overseas preachers n prayers warriors had prophesied of for PNG for decades including Smith Wigglesworth, Dr Myles Munroe in March 2012 n George Anadorai of Singapore last month. The Banner will be posted soon for the world to See n Hear - Isa 18:3 in another FB we have opened for the Eternal Truth with our PNG Partners n overseas partners. Its mind blowing n will n is already confounding the wise.... n an international Proclamation/Declaration is on the way....I shall continue reporting including specific things the Lord showed to happen in PNG n the Pacific (NZ, Samoa, Tonga playing leading roles to gather the rest of Pacific ) with PNG as plowman and vinedressor n this move will enter Australia, and then to the nationas of the world. USA will be thru Hawaii (the Lord showed this during d 20 days. WORSHIP centres of Jn 4:23-24 will rise up all over the world n take in the final harvest n Rev 18:4 taking place rapidly as the final sufficient grace of God falls on the earth just before the coming of the lawless one - 2Thes 2:8 when the Holy Spirit has finished His mission - Jn 16:13, 2Thes continue...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 02:22:22 +0000

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