Greetings, citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. A horrible - TopicsExpress


Greetings, citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. A horrible injustice is happening in Ferguson. A young teenager has been murdered, and his killer let free. Stripped of justice, people have taken to the streets in protest. Anonymous is working right now to help the protesters. We believe greatly in your cause, and our legions will do everything possible to assist you. We want it noted that we do not condone the violence and looting occurring there, and across America right now. We strongly urge peaceful acts of protest. If we do not act sanely, we are fighting for nothing. Please allow emergency services to do their jobs and assist yourselves and others. Obstruction of EMS and fire services will only allow for further suffering and the ravaging of property. We understand the rage that you may be feeling, we are with you in this sentiment, reform will only come through peaceful action and rational discussion. Convert this rage and anger into passion and use that passion to give you the strength needed to make the United States of America the symbol of freedom we believe it can be. Excessive actions were taken by the local governments against the citizens they were sworn to protect. We only condone the use of peaceful actions in protests. If we do not use peace, then we are just as bad. We will not be dragged down to the level of those who are evil and seek to exploit this horrendous situation. The destruction that is going on is madness. Destruction is never the mission of Anonymous. Social Reform is the goal, but violence is not the method. Our job is not to strike hatred and fear into the hearts of those who did this. Our job is to teach those who have done wrong, to do right. It is vital for us to stop the violence. Should this continue, no one will know an end to the hatred and violence. Now, peace is one thing and standing by is another. We will not and can not idly stand by and let this happen. We will give our all to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. This cannot happen ever again. Every one of these tragedies tears our country and the world apart. Yes, our opponents are using force against us. This is a sign of their evil. Please do not act the same. Support your fellow citizens in peaceful protest. Allow us to aid you and this nation in justice and freedom. Anonymous does not stand for violence. Anonymous stands for peace for all. Let us guide you in navigating through this. These protests are not limited to Ferguson; around the nation we are seeing similar acts of civil unrest, and united this nation stands in its anger toward growing police brutality and shrinking police accountability. We are Anonymous. We are peace. We are aid. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Ferguson, we are here.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:18:13 +0000

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