Greetings dear brethren and Welcome to the NOVENA TO THE - TopicsExpress


Greetings dear brethren and Welcome to the NOVENA TO THE BIRTHDAY OF OUR DEAR MOTHER MARY. A Novena Dedicated to our Queen of Heaven, Earth and of Purgatory. This Novena is in Special Thanks to God our Father for Creating His Master Piece in Mary, His Beloved Daughter in the Womb of Saint Anne. In Giving Thanks and Praise to God The Son, for Humbling Himself out of Pure Love for the Virgin Mary and for the Love to Save us all, on the Cross, Amen. In Thanking the Divine Spirit of God, for Forming Jesus in the Womb of Mary. Because She Loved Jesus, even Before He was Born. She Loved Him 9 Months Before His Birth, Thank You, O Wise and Peaceful Spirit of God. These blessed Novenas will be for the Beloved Souls of Purgatory. For we must keep them in our daily prayers, this we have been Taught by Blessed Ann Catherine Emmerick, amen. And for our own prayer intention. Mention them here, in the silence of your humble hearts. Prayer for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. O Virgin immaculate, thou who by a singular privilege of grace wast preserved from original sin, look in pity upon our separated brethren, who are nevertheless thy children, and call them back to the center of unity. Not a few of them, although separated from the Church, have kept a certain veneration for thee; and do thou, generous as thou art, reward them for it, by obtaining for them the grace of conversion. Thou wast conqueror of the infernal serpent from the first instant of thy existence; renew even now, for it is now more necessary than ever before, thine ancient triumphs; glorify thy divine Son, bring back to Him the sheep that have strayed from the one fold and place them once more under the guidance of the universal Shepherd who holds the place of thy Son on earth; let it be thy glory, O Virgin who destroyest all heresies, to restore unity and peace once more to all the Christian people. Novena for the Nativity of Our Lady The following Novena is prayed from August 30 through September 8, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This Novena was approved well before Vatican II: Nihil Obstat: Iacobus P. King, I.C.D. Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: Bryan Iosephus McEntegart, D.D., LL.D. Episcopus Bruklyniensis __________ Day Three. V. O God, come to my assistance R. O Lord, make haste to help me Gloria Patri... O Chosen One among the daughters of Adam, lovable Mary, the Eternal Word takes delight in thy birth, for He sees the source of His Immaculate Blood. May thy birth give joy to my soul also, by obtaining for me from the Word made Flesh, the grace to find in this Divine Blood the eternal happiness of my soul. Hail Mary... Antiphon: Thy Nativity, O Virgin Mother of God, was the herald of joy to the whole world; since from thee arose the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, Who, destroying the curse, bestowed the blessing, and confounding death, rewarded us with life everlasting. V. Let us celebrate with joy the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. R. That she may intercede for us with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray Grant to us Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the gift of Thy heavenly grace, that as our salvation was begun in the child-bearing of the Blessed Virgin, so from this solemn festival of her Nativity may we obtain an increase of peace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. __________ Novena for the Most Holy Name of Mary The following Novena is prayed from September 4 through September 12, the feast of the the Most Holy Name of Mary. But we will pray it together with this Novena to Marys Birthday :-) This Novena was approved well before Vatican II: Nihil Obstat et Imprimatur: In Curia Archiep. Mediolani. Canon Cavezzali, Pro Vicar General on August 31, 1931 during the pontificate of His Holiness Pius XI. The following is said each day: O Holy Child Mary of the royal house of David, Queen of the angels, Mother of grace and love, I greet thee with all my heart. Obtain for me the grace to love the Lord faithfully during all the days of my life. Obtain for me, too, a great devotion to thee, who art the first creature of Gods love. Hail Mary O heavenly Child Mary, who like a pure dove was born immaculate and beautiful, true prodigy of the wisdom of God, my soul rejoices in thee. Oh! Do help me to preserve the angelic virtue of purity at the cost of any sacrifice. Hail Mary Hail, lovely and holy Child, spiritual garden of delight, where, on the day of the Incarnation, the tree of life was planted, assist me to avoid the poisonous fruit of vanity and pleasures of the world. Help me to engraft into my soul the thoughts, feelings, and virtues of thy divine Son. Hail Mary Hail, admirable Child Mary, Mystical Rose, closed garden, open only to the heavenly Spouse. O Lily of paradise, make me love the humble and hidden life; let the heavenly Spouse find the gate of my heart always open to the loving calls of His graces and inspiration. Hail Mary Holy Child Mary, mystical dawn, gate of Heaven, thou art my trust and hope. O powerful advocate, from thy cradle stretch out thy hand, support me on the path of life. Make me serve God with ardor and constancy until death and so reach an eternity with thee. Hail Mary Let us pray Blessed Child Mary, destined to be the Mother of God and our loving Mother, by the heavenly graces thou hast lavished upon us, mercifully listen to my supplications. In the needs which press upon me from every side and especially in my present tribulation, I place all my trust in thee. O holy Child, by the privileges granted to thee alone and by the merits which thou hast acquired, show that the source of spiritual favors and the continuous benefits which thou dispense are inexhaustible, because thy power with the Heart of God is unlimited. Deign through the immense profusion of graces with which the Most High has enriched thee from the first moment of thy Immaculate Conception, grant me, O Celestial Child, my petition, and I shall eternally praise the goodness of thy Immaculate Heart. Litany of the Holy Name of Mary The Feast of the Holy Name of Mary was established by Pope Innocent XI upon the victory of Christian forces against the Moslems beseiging Vienna in 1683. This litany, reflecting the nature of the feast, is for private devotion. Prayer: Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Son of Mary, hear us. Son of Mary, graciously hear us. Heavenly Father, of Whom Mary is the Daughter, have mercy on us. Eternal Word, of Whom Mary is the Mother, have mercy on us. Holy Spirit, of Whom Mary is the spouse, have mercy on us. Divine Trinity, of Whom Mary is the Handmaid, have mercy on us. Mary, Mother of the Living God, pray for us Mary, daughter of the Light Eternal, pray for us Mary, our light, pray for us Mary, our sister, pray for us Mary, flower of Jesse, pray for us Mary, issue of kings, pray for us Mary, chief work of God, pray for us Mary, the beloved of God, pray for us Mary, Immaculate Virgin, pray for us Mary, all fair, pray for us Mary, light in darkness, pray for us Mary, our sure rest, pray for us Mary, house of God, pray for us Mary, sanctuary of the Lord, pray for us Mary, altar of the Divinity, pray for us Mary, Virgin Mother, pray for us Mary, embracing your Infant God, pray for us Mary, reposing with Eternal Wisdom, pray for us Mary, ocean of bitterness, pray for us Mary, Star of the Sea, pray for us Mary, suffering with your only Son, pray for us Mary, pierced with a sword of sorrow, pray for us Mary, torn with a cruel wound, pray for us Mary, sorrowful even unto death, pray for us Mary, bereft of all consolation, pray for us Mary, submissive to the law of God, pray for us Mary, standing by the Cross of Jesus, pray for us Mary, Our Lady, pray for us Mary, Our Queen, pray for us Mary, Queen of glory, pray for us Mary glory of the Church Triumphant, pray for us Mary, Blessed Queen, pray for us Mary, advocate of the Church Militant, pray for us Mary, Queen of Mercy, pray for us Mary, consoler of the Church Suffering, pray for us Mary, exalted above the angels, Mary, crowned with twelve stars, pray for us Mary, fair as the moon, pray for us Mary, bright as the sun, pray for us Mary, distinguished above all, pray for us Mary, seated at the right hand of Jesus, pray for us Mary, our hope, pray for us Mary, our sweetness, pray for us Mary, glory of Jerusalem, pray for us Mary, joy of Israel, pray for us Mary, honor of our people, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Assumption, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Angels, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Dolors, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Mercy, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Victory, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of La Trappe, pray for us Mary, Our Lady of Divine Providence, pray for us Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord Jesus. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord Jesus. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord Jesus. Son of Mary, hear us. Son of Mary, graciously hear us. I will declare your name unto my brethren. I will praise you in the assembly of the faithful. Let Us Pray (Oremus). O Almighty God, Who beholds Thy servants earnestly desiring to place themselves under the shadow of the name and protection of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, grant, we beseech You, that by her charitable intercession, we may be delivered from all evil on earth, and may arrive at everlasting joys in Heaven, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. Saint Joaquin and Saint Anne, Pray to our Little Mary for the Conversion of hardened sinners, Amen. May our Little Mary, Bless our hearts and those who we hold most dear to us, dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, Amen :-)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:12:27 +0000

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