Greetings everyone. Being in The Reticent has had its undue share - TopicsExpress


Greetings everyone. Being in The Reticent has had its undue share of setbacks. Injuries, moves, great distance between members, financial disasters, and not to mention the simple issues that go with any musical enterprise. As our lead guitarist needed to move on to focus on his own things, weve hit pause a bit and taken some time to reflect. So as the reflection is done here is the official state of the union: The Reticent is not done. Period. The next album is going to be recorded this year. Thats a promise. I have been rewriting and rearranging the material for the past month and have arrived at the conclusion that this material is the best that The Reticent has produced thus far. It will most likely be polarizing and is taking some chances not taken on the last recording. But for the first time, a complete story is being told and is articulating a trauma that I have long needed to express. I hope to begin work on recording the album this spring and summer. I will pour everything I have into it and try to make it the definitive Reticent album. Oddly enough, I dont even care if I sell one copy - this is something that I need to do. If people dig it, I will be thrilled; if not, I still said what needed to be said. The function of art should be to express and thats what Ill be doing - to hell with the consequences. As for live shows, well... My job already puts a strain on live performances and limits our time to rehearse. But The Reticent WILL be seen live again. However, shows may be few and far between. I want the next you see us to be amazing - I dont want to just run through the songs with some cool visuals. I want to tell this story. I want the audience to come with us to a vulnerable place and explore. To do that, The Reticent must undergo a bit of a revitalization of our performance. So before the next time you see us, we will undergo a rebirth so to speak. Which on that note, we are open to audition lead guitarists at this time. If you wish to join us in this experience, please contact us soon. So while The Reticent may be taking time off, it is not hibernation. Plenty of work is being done and thought put in to the next record and what the live show should transform into. In the meantime, I want to encourage everyone to enjoy and support the many incredible Carolina bands that we have had the honor of getting to know these past few years. To name just a few: tattermask , SkinKage , Everthrone , Camori , Lunas Lament , Shadow of Myself , A Vision Grotesque and many others. These guys are all very worth your time to listen to and support. As always, your support means more than words can express and when someone plays a track or likes a post on here it, no kidding, means the world to me. I still love to hear from anyone and I will update again when there is more to tell. But this is not done. Just wait. All my best to everyone!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:00:12 +0000

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