Greetings for 2015 and with all good wishes for the best to you - TopicsExpress


Greetings for 2015 and with all good wishes for the best to you and your dearest ones for the coming Year from Rita, our Inter Faith Development Worker, and myself. 2014 was another eventful and successful year for the Cornwall Faith Forum (CFF) and its ever onwards and upwards journey. Dor Kemmyn We amended our Governance so as to become a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation ) so as to be more fit for purpose to deal with Cornwall Council over the land for Dor Kemmyn. I am confident that by the time you receive this letter we will have signed the Contract for Lease for the Site at Penmount which will clear the way for the start of the Cob Bricks Building project in the Spring. If you would like to come and make bricks either individually or with your family or with a community group you are part of then please do contact Mat Robinson [email protected] or telephone 01326 221130 Mobile: 07795560907 Fund Raising - Help Urgently Needed We have been advised that CFF needs to raise locally 10% of the overall costs of the buiding in cash and/or pledges before we are in a position to apply to the major grant bodies. This sum is £125,000 The Fund Raising Group have concluded that we can no longer expect people with other full time commitments to find the time to raise this sum and so have decided that we should look to employing a part time fund raiser to helps us achieve this target. We estimate we require a minimum of £10,000 to take on someone for an initial six months. We have written to each of the Faith Communities for contributions but we realise that several of these are small in number and resources so we are also contacting the Forum Membership to ask if you would be willing to make a donation to funding this critical post. This is the first time we have made a direct appeal for finance and so hope you will feel able to respond positively. And if there are other people you know who might support this appeal please pass on this request to them. We would be grateful for replies before January 31st so we can advertise the post and if you know anyone with the skills and experience for such a task please get in touch with me. Please send cheques payable to Cornwall Faith Forum to CFF, c/o Andrew Yates, Church House, Woodlands Court, Truro Business Park, Threemilestone, Truro TR4 9NH or contact our treasurer Karen Harris for other ways of making contributions kharrisiom@aol The CFF Board feel that this development is crucial to moving forward with the proposed building so please accept our thanks in advance for considering this request and for your responses. Education Under Rita’s expert direction our Faith Awareness Education work has gone from strength to strength. Last year CFF members from the seven faith communities organised: · Primary Schools Day which saw over 300 children participate in workshops. · Sessions at Roseland and Richard Lander Colleges. · Workshops at Cornwall College campuses for 250 Health and Social Care students · Believing in care study days for those working in care establishments An ambitious programme for 2015 has been arranged which will need even more dedicated volunteers prepared to come and share why their faith is important to them. If you would like to offer to help in this rewarding experience or would like more information about what is involved please contact Rita Stephen [email protected] or tel 07775937485. Full training and full expenses are offered to all our volunteers. Cornwall Faith Forum Patron Lady Mary Holborrow We are delighted to welcome Lady Mary Holborrow as our first CFF Patron. In her time of service as Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall Lady Mary was an enthusiastic supporter of the vision for the Inter Faith Centre and was a regular attender at our events. We are very pleased that she is prepared to offer continuing support to Dor Kemmyn in this way. CD Recording We have recorded a collection of songs from each of the Faith traditions in Cornwall and after a series of workshops exploring creative community harmony we also have a piece that brings together voices from each of the traditions in a special creation recorded in the Fogou at Carn Euny. These will be available for sale in the early spring. To place a pre-order for this unique musical event please contact Sophie Muirsophiemuir@freeuk Fund Raising Dinner May 20TH 2015 A Special Fund Raising Dinner is to be held for the Dor Kemmyn project on May 20th at Nancarrow Barn near Truro. The Chef will be our very own Sanjay Kumar and the venue is a unique barn that has been built by our very own architect Mat Robinson. To book tickets contact our Treasurer, Karen Harris, ASAP as they will be going fast kharrisiom@aol or telephone 07984 678628. For further details please see the attached poster. Thought for the week The faith communities are contributing weekly to the Dor Kemmyn’s new page ‘Thought for the week’ This week’s ‘thought’ is by the Churches Together in Cornwall CFF representative, John Keast, on the Baptism of Christ. If you have any ‘thoughts’ on festivals or other events in the year and would like to comment on a week of the year please contact Rosey [email protected] tel 01872 274351. Yours sincerely, Andrew Yates Chair Cornwall Faith Forum srotruro@btinternet
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 20:12:13 +0000

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