Greetings from Carney-Nadeau Public School! I hope everyone - TopicsExpress


Greetings from Carney-Nadeau Public School! I hope everyone has been enjoying the relatively mild weather we’ve been having lately, and I hope, too, that your summer is passing at a far more leisurely pace than mine. It’s hard to believe that the start of the new school year is nearly upon us, but it seems that September is right around the corner, and, as such, I just wanted to take a moment to update all of you on the numerous improvements and exciting changes we’ve made since school was released back in June. First and foremost, I am both honored and thrilled to announce that CNPS has now partnered with the Hannahville Indian School as a means to provide vocational-education classes to our 11th and 12th grade students. Starting in the 2014-15 school year, juniors and seniors will have the option of enrolling in art, welding, and homebuilding courses offered on Hannahville’s campus. These students will be bused to Hannahville each day at noon and shall return to our building approximately two hours later just in time for the start of their seventh-hour classes. In this manner, very little instructional time will be lost, and I just can’t thank the folks at Hannahville enough for their willingness to accommodate our students’ schedules. Sincere thanks must also be extended to our Board President, Mr. Gerald Hoduski, for all that he’s done to help make this exclusive partnership happen. Indeed, it was Gerry who first brought this idea to the Board’s attention, and he’s since been instrumental in helping us work through many of the logistical details that have prevented us from offering voc-ed classes in the past. To that end, Gerry, I, and several other Board members recently took a tour of Hannahville’s facilities, and we were extremely pleased to see that Carney students are soon going to have access to state-of-the-art technologies such as plasma welders and glass kilns. The knowledge and experience our kids gain from using this equipment is going to put them well ahead of their peers when it comes time to enter the workforce, particularly for those pursuing careers in the manufacturing or industrial sectors. And in the years to come, it is my sincere hope that we can expand our vocational offerings even further and provide students with courses in Health Care, Automotive Technology, and even Food Service. For now, though, this partnership not only dramatically expands the number of educational opportunities open to Carney students, it also gives further proof of our school’s unwavering commitment to ensuring they enjoy the brightest possible futures. Additionally, as was previously mentioned in our school newsletter, beginning in September of 2014 CNPS will be offering full-day Young 4s and Junior Kindergarten classes complete with morning and afternoon bus transportation services. Participating students will not only benefit from the increased exposure to our various curriculums, but will also be well ahead of the curve in terms of learning the socialization skills that are so crucial to their continued success. We’re hoping, too, that this new program affords area parents and guardians a bit more flexibility when planning out their work weeks and provides the peace of mind that their children are receiving the best possible education while in our care And finally—though here I must emphasize that this is still in the early planning stages—CNPS is currently exploring the possibility of providing students access to Agricultural Science classes as part of the Future Farmers of America (FFA)program. If we are able to do so—and I assure you that every possible effort is presently being made to help make this happen—our school would be the only district in the entire Upper Peninsula where students can gain exposure to the valuable leadership opportunities the FFA provides. While it is of course far too early to say for certain, our current plan is to have these Ag-Science classes in place by the start of our second semester, which, this year, begins on January 19th, 2015. Here, too, thanks must be given to Mr. Gerald Hoduski for initiating this conversation and bringing this valuable opportunity to the Board’s attention. There are, to be sure, other new and exciting changes in store for our students this year—I haven’t, for example, even yet mentioned our brand-new Science texts in grades 3-9; nor have I spoke of the exceptional work presently being done by our summer cleaning crew—but I’m afraid time and space constraints prevent me from describing everything here in the depth it deserves. Needless to say, the 2014-15 school year is already looking to be especially memorable and noteworthy. Stay tuned for more updates regarding these and other improvements in the weeks and months to come, and I very much look forward to welcoming everyone back in the Fall! Until then, have a safe and enjoyable summer! Adam Cocco Interim Superintendent Carney-Nadeau Public School
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 14:04:24 +0000

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