Greetings from my bed in a very sunny Eastleigh! Praying for all - TopicsExpress


Greetings from my bed in a very sunny Eastleigh! Praying for all those who mourn the loss of someone dear to them and for those who have laid a loved one to rest during the past week. Especially remembering the souls of Tim and Rosemary and their dear ones. Thinking particularly of those undergoing painful and harsh treatments for illness, asking God to give them the courage and strength to keep going, even when they feel downhearted or dispirited, or in distress. May all those who administer such difficult treatments, act with gentleness, encouragement and understanding. We thank God for the gifts of healing medicines which many of us are able to access and ask for the blessing of God for those who are not able to receive even basic medicines and healthcare. Thanks be to God for agencies and volunteers, who seek to bring medical aid and relief to those suffering in the world. May we who have, never cease to be grateful for the aid and medications we can receive. Thanking God for all our emergency services and the strength and comfort they bring to those in need of help. In their turn, may they be treated with courtesy, gratitude and respect for their self-giving. May God keep all those who seek to bring relief to others in places of disaster in the world and may He comfort all those affected by those events, especially all those involved in the awful landslides in Afghanistan, the injured, the bereaved, those still missing, and those who have lost what little they had. Asking for Gods care and comfort for all those affected by acts of terror in Kenya, that the injured and traumatised may be comforted and aided and, that the souls of those killed may be kept in the merciful hands of God and that he will comfort the grieving. May the hearts of those who perpetrate such horrors and cruelty for their own ends of power, be softened and brought to true repentance, that they can be forgiven and that those who have suffered innocently, may find it their own hearts to forgive. Thanking God for faith communities and the fellowship and comfort they bring to those who belong to them and to those to whom they seek to reach out in their localities. May the sick and housebound not be forgotten and allowed to slip through the community nets but, brought into families of faith and love. We thank God for the gifts of friendship, mutual care and support. May God bless us ALL now and always. X
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 08:10:12 +0000

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