Greetings from yesterday. I came up at 11:11 pm to write to you, - TopicsExpress


Greetings from yesterday. I came up at 11:11 pm to write to you, but set the clock ahead for daylight saving time. Presently thus by the clock it is tomorrow, altho in fact it is today. How easy it was to disprove the idea that tomorrow is always the future. Question authority! I was up early and arrived at the station in plenty of time to prepare for the show. I had the show on a CD, but there are plenty of underwriting announcements to make on non-commercial radio and I had to find them in the boxes of 4x6 cards. They are numbered but sometimes the prior user is numerically challenged. Then there is the question of how to mark the place from which the card was removed. Dana, my predecessor du mic at the station pulls the first batch for me, and she likes to turn card 44 upright when she pulls card 45 to be read. I prefer turning card 46 upright. Since she has already pulled some cards, the result is a mixture of systems, which can slow down returing the cards after reading them on-air. Just to confuse things, some messages are on mini-disks and must be played. They are not filed, but rather piled, on a shelf, as there are few enough that one can just find them despite the lack of order. We get calls during the show concerning lost and found, which we write down and read. Usually it is dogs. Today there were 3 found dogs in one location, but the finder was en route to somewhere and couldnt pick them up, so the best we could do was read their description and location, leaving it to the owner to drive there and see if they were still around. But the other call was something entirely new to me. Possibly the remains of a miracle. Someone found a relatively new wheelchair in the parking lot of a local supermarket. This person had a phone number, which was useful. My sweetie and I went for a pre-rain walk up to the cistern, which is not holding any of the rainwater that falls into it, trying to calculate its maximum gallonage. I just discovered that a cubic foot will hold about 7.5 gallons. We think the cistern will hold 1200 cubit feet, or about 9000 gallons of water. At present prices thats about $270 worth - but prices will go up this summer we believe. We would use the cistern water for the lawn and garden, and could hope to turn it several times during the summer (if the springs dont dry up) so it might save us $1000 a year on the water bill. Im guessing at least $3000 to refurbish it, the springs that feed it, and the lines between them and the cistern. Tough call, really. For a bonus we found a stone wall behind one of the springs, so it forms a kind of grotto. All we need now is a statue to put in it. I downloaded the documents required to understand the Mendocino local marijuana cultivation regulations, and found a binder to put them in. Its astounding what is on-line these days: State law, county ordinances, even general plan policy DE 103. Tomorrow, Ill do the same for Humboldt while listening to the sound of steadily falling rain - it has already started - and in the early afternoon take off for the Laytonville Garden Club to begin my presentation at 4pm (I hope thats right. Ill check in the morning and let you know.) The Laytonville Garden Club is at 375 Harwood Drive. Mapquest kept wanting to send me to Massachusets. Thanks, but no thanks. Im not getting up that early tomorrow. I had to use Google maps to get directions. For now, its bed time. I hope to have the light out, the cat situatated and sleep on-coming before tomorrow really is today tonight. Good night friends, enjoy the rain if you are local, may your storage tanks be large, filled, and water tight. Sleep well.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:47:42 +0000

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