Greetings in the Name of Jesus! I am happy to report the Sunday - TopicsExpress


Greetings in the Name of Jesus! I am happy to report the Sunday Worship for the glory of God. The Spirit of God moved strongly in our entire worship. I thank God for His presence in our midst. I thank my friend Janet Green for the Word – ‘CONTINOUS’ which she gave as a prophetical word. When I meditated upon the Word, God has spoken to me wonderfully. The people of God should not be a fearful people. We should not be a people who are anxious or troubled or worried about things that threaten our life and happiness such as economic adversity, hostile people, satanic opposition, guilt-laden consciences, deteriorating health, and death. The mark of Gods people is not incapacitating fear, but rather contrite courageous confidence in God. We need not fear because the Lord will continue to be with us (Is. 43:5) He will continuously strengthen us (Is. 40:31), and continuously help us (Is. 41:13-14), and uphold us. I. His Promised Continuous Presence Gods continuous presence with His people. Our heavenly Father has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). The safety and peace, the prosperity and happiness of God’s people, depends wholly upon this presence of God with us. This presence of God with his people preserves us in our greatest sufferings & dangers - when like a bush on fire, flames threaten them with immediate destruction, we are not consumed. II. His Promised Continuous Protection God may not remove the afflictions in our life but He will provide us with sufficient grace so as to demonstrate His power through us. So we should allow God’s power to be displayed through weaknesses for this encourages the hearts of others to trust Him too. God spoke to Paul saying, MY grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in your weakness. Most gladly therefore, I will boast of my weakness (feelings of fear) for when I am weak, then I am strong, the less I have the more I depend on you. (2 Cor. 12:9,10) III. His Promised Continuous Provision God is strong enough, creative enough, and compassionate enough that no other being in the universe will be able to prevent Him from carrying out His plan. We should take courage because He, our God, is with us. This is a solid foundation of confidence, and if it be fixed in our minds, we shall be able to stand firm and unshaken against temptations of every kind. These words have encouraged the believers and thanked God for His continuous presence, continuous protection and continuous provision which they are receiving through Janet Green. They prayed for a while for Janet Green to have God’s continuous presence , complete God’s continuous protection and continuous provision to be with her throughout her life. I thank one and all for your continuous prayers for the children in the children home and for everyone in the community. We too are praying continuously praying for you all.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 07:12:59 +0000

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