Greetings my Face book friends. Jesus Christ and what He did on - TopicsExpress


Greetings my Face book friends. Jesus Christ and what He did on the Cross is the answer for what is going wrong in this Country. The Leaders, the Church, Political Parties, and the entire Country of the Turks & Caicos Islands can do nothing with out Christ. A March on the streets of Provo with out repentance and turning away from wicked ways is fruitless. 2 Chronicles 7:14 When i spoke out against the wrongs of the Former Premier in 2007, every one thought i was foolish, i spoke the truth, and an other Bishop spoke lies to this Country, the words i spoke came to pass, and that other Bishop words did not come true. Do not follow a leader who is known to lie in the name of the Lord, for his own personal gain. Follow Christ, and Him Crucified, repent of your sins, give your life to Jesus, get into a Church that Preaches The Message of the Cross (House of Prayer Ministries), Pray for this Country, Pray that God would give us Born again Leaders (Pastors and Politicians) who follow Christ. When Gods wrath come on this country, those who join them selves with the wicked (wicked Bishops and wicked Politicians) will be destroyed. Turks & Caicos you have been warned
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 18:48:07 +0000

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