Greetings on the Eve of Trinity 8, as we prepare for potentially - TopicsExpress


Greetings on the Eve of Trinity 8, as we prepare for potentially difficult weather conditions across parts of the country. May God keep all those travelling in extreme weather and those on holiday at this time. Remembering the people of Hawaii as they wait for the landfall of Hurricane Julio, hard on the heels of Tropical Storm Iselle, that they may kept safe and held in Gods hands. Praying for Bishop Michael Lewis and all the people of his Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, and the wider Province in that area, and sharing the heavy hearts of all those wondering about what the future holds for that troubled area. May he and all the religious leaders there, work for that true religion, which honours God and each other, not attempting to force and coerce others to a faith not their own. Remembering with love, all those undergoing terrible suffering at the hands of others. Especially standing alongside our fellow Christians in Northern Iraq, as they are tortured, threatened and forced to flee their homes with nothing, to a trapped and uncertain future of fear, thirst and hunger. Thinking also of the helpless ordinary people of Gaza as they live with daily fear, from which they cannot flee. Thinking especially of the old, the young, the women and those too weak and powerless to help themselves, that they may know there is love towards them from outside. May the decisions taken by Western leaders, be made with wisdom and care, to provide aid and hope for the future and, we ask that the hearts of the brutal, be turned towards peaceable living with neighbours. May we also have hope in Gods plan for all his people, though all may seem hopeless. Thinking of all those trapped in UN Refugee camps in South Sudan, with little hope and feeling forgotten by the rest of the world, with little food, no safe, clean water and living with and in, recent floods of contaminated water in their streets and shelters. There in those places, and amongst all people, may all who feel stress and distress, know the closeness and comfort of the Holy Spirit. May we all feel moved to try to extend the hand of friendship, encouragement and consolation to all we meet, who see their lives as hopeless, mundane, painful, useless, or futile. Asking too, for Christs care and comfort for all those who are losing their faculties, especially those whose minds remain sharp, yet whose bodies are weakening, and for their loved ones who have to watch helplessly. We give thanks for all those who seek to ease the lives of those living with chronic and degenerative illness and disease and ask that God give patience and reward to those who care for them. Bringing before God the peoples of Western Africa, facing the threat of the Ebola virus and asking for care and protection for those medical staff trying to bring aid and healing to those suffering this awful threat. Christ miraculously healed the incurably sick and suffering and, we ask that He may bring His same healing to those living with the Ebola threat. Remembering all forty plus people, who have lost their lives, and for the injured, on the bus which has fallen from a cliff in Tibet. May their loved ones be comforted and consoled by the love of Christ. Thinking especially of all those waiting tensely for exam results during the coming few weeks. May those whose results are what they worked and hoped for, be energised to work towards their ambitions and dreams, with renewed purpose. For those experiencing disappointment, may they know that achievement and success come in many different forms and be encouraged to take opportunities which they might not otherwise have found or considered. As we celebrate the glory of Christs Transfiguration, may we each also be transfigured and transformed to reflect the life, service and love of Christ and thence, the ultimate glory of God. That we may also feel moved and able to say, Tis good Lord, to be here. May God bless us ALL this day and always. X
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:59:22 +0000

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