Greetings on this grey, murky Eve of Stir Up Sunday, as we move - TopicsExpress


Greetings on this grey, murky Eve of Stir Up Sunday, as we move ever closer to the expectancy of Advent, with its movement from darkness towards the Light. On this day, St Cecilias Day, we give thanks for all musicians, their God-given artistry, and commitment to bringing the joy of music to the widest possible audience. Thanking God especially for all church musicians and their leadership of our worship given to God through all forms of music. Having just taken part in Choral Evensong, I give my own thanks for the privilege of being able to sing to the glory of God in a special place, and the opportunity of helping others to look towards God through music, especially a group of tourists this evening, visiting the cathedral for perhaps their only time, and who were moved by the sounds they heard. Thanking God for those gifts of fellowship, friendship and sense of belonging, which come from making music together. On this evening of our Diocesan Confirmation Service at Winchester, giving thanks for our own individual calls to follow the Lord and a deepening of commitment for all those taking a next step in their spiritual journey. We thank God for all those who have dedicated their lives to prayer within religious communities. May the energy from their devotions, seep out into the world and bring a sense of Gods healing touch to all, especially those who cannot pray, or who find it hard to believe in the power of prayer, themselves. May we all be able find a greater commitment to prayer and to spending time with our Lord Jesus, as He longs to spend time with us, His dear ones. We pray for the people of Kenya, who have experienced again, the blight of a terrorist attack. May God give comfort to the injured and bereaved and peace for the souls of those brutally murdered by the extremists. We add our prayers to those offered for yet another hostage murdered by IS and for his family, thanking God for their example of love and commitment to forgiveness, albeit so difficult for them at present. As we continue to remember all those stricken by the fear and reality of Ebola in West Africa, we also bring before God, those suffering the new fear of bubonic plague in Madagascar, asking for His love and protection for them, especially those held in rat-infested prisons in that country, whatever their crimes. We give thanks for all those in the group of medics who have put themselves at risk by going to Sierra Leone to care for the sick and dying, and ask for Gods care for them. Remembering also, those left orphaned and alone by this terrible disease, and asking that God hold them all in His loving care. As the news comes that a lady of 100 years old from America, saw the ocean for he first time this week, we give thanks for the gifts of travel and opportunity to see new and exciting wonders and to meet new people in Gods world and especially give thanks for the remarkable gift of sight. As Christ gave sight to the blind, we ask that those who use medical skill to cure eye disease and injury, may be guided and skilled by God, to help bring sight and care for the physically sight impaired. We continue to bring Bishop Michael Lewis and his priests and people before God in love and prayer, asking for their safety in Gods strength and care. May God bless and keep us ALL, this night and always. X
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:05:34 +0000

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