Greetings to All As you know we have been placed in a situation - TopicsExpress


Greetings to All As you know we have been placed in a situation where we must now elect a new Congressman for the 1st Congressional District. In the days to come you will once again be bombarded with print ads, radio ads, and TV ads. You will be swapped with mail ads other forms of campaign outreach efforts in an effort to secure your vote. I am now coming to you to ask you for the same, except I am doing it in a free media form. I will not ask for money because, as it leads certain groups to think a candidate owes those groups special favors if elected, begging cheapens the office and causes many to have negative views toward government and their elect representative, and lastly the people feel that their concerns become secondary to campaign cash. I will make no promise to you that I feel I cannot realistically achieve in the House of Representative in Washington D.C. I will tell you this, I will not vote for more taxes, I will not vote to spend for useless programs, but I will vote to create an economic environment where private businesses can afford to hire people. I will not vote to enact any rule or regulation that limits or crushes business growth, I will not vote to crush energy programs that increase oil and coal production, and I will not vote for any program that allows the U.S. government to oppress your civil rights, and to spy on you without probable cause. I now ask that you help me bring respect back to the office of Congressman and to Congress, I know what I am asking you is unique, but to be very honest, it’s not. There was a time when we did not ask for your votes. In fact to do so was seen as being dishonorable and selfish. You peers selected you based on your honesty and integrity, God, I wish we could return to those days, but we are where we are! I now humble myself and ask you to please cast a write-in vote for me, Timothy E. Morgan Sr as your next Republican Congressman for the 1st Congressional District. I will not be making public speeches begging for votes, I will not be jamming the radio and TV with ads, or the local newspapers. I will be doing is asking you to pass my name through your social circles and seek your endorsement as your next congressman. I also assure you I know what this job is all about and what a Congressman is supposed to do for you, SERVE YOUR INTEREST AND NOT MINE! If you cannot support me, then I beg you to support another REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Sincerely, Timothy E. Morgan Sr.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:34:22 +0000

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