Greetings to all especially you from a grateful heart. For all - TopicsExpress


Greetings to all especially you from a grateful heart. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. ~Romans 3:23~ Take a moment and study this Bible verse ,and you quickly find that everyone is included . There is no reason in you or I or any one elses heart that we should be saved and live in eternal glory , the reason lies in the heart of God /YHWH and in His alone. All who come to Jesus/ Yshua come to him not because theyve seen the light or had some spiritual awakening , all come to Him as sinners in need of a savior We come without a plea but believing that His blood was shed for us. . He ia able to save the worst of sinner you name it His blood can cleanse it . He came to seek and save that which was lost ~Luke19:1:~and that is all of us including the most religious person you know. Where sin abounds His grace abounds much more. ~Romans5:20~ There is nothing on Earth worth going to hell for , but one will if he neglects so great a salvation. Come to Him at once receive your full pardon and learn from Him. We have 66 books in the bible 1000s of promises from a God who has kept all of them , and performed them in all that have put their faith and trust in Him obeying His word . Jesus himself said My yoke is easy and my burden is light ~Matthew 11:28,30~ If you or some one you know needs prayer or to be led in prayer inbox me , ill be glad to join my faith with yours or theirs , so that you or they can start their eternal life and experiencing the blessings of heaven here on earth. Grace and Peace from He whose Word is established in heaven forever in the precious name of Jesus amein.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:10:51 +0000

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