Greg Sheridan on Russian Ships near Australia: ...the Russian - TopicsExpress


Greg Sheridan on Russian Ships near Australia: ...the Russian action is petty, puerile and more than a bit silly. Any G20 nation could send warships to the waters near to Australia, but they don’t do so because their governments have a little more maturity and self-respect than Vladimir Putin’s outfit. The Russians have been strutting around the Pacific for some time, but to no discernible effect. The most serious actions they have taken in the Pacific in recent times have been a series of breaches of Japanese airspace by Russian fighters, to the north of Japan. These actions have repeatedly caused the Japanese to scramble their own planes in response. The Russian President is a thug and a bully and he is not a welcome guest in Australia, but surely even he doesn’t think that sending warships to waters near Brisbane will achieve any geopolitical outcome. It might bolster his standing at home, but internationally it raises questions about his priorities and the motivation for his behaviour
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:50:00 +0000

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