Greg writes- Join us TODAY at Harvest/Riverside and Orange County - TopicsExpress


Greg writes- Join us TODAY at Harvest/Riverside and Orange County for the worldwide premier of our new film,”Hope for Hurting Hearts”. In the aftermath of our son Christopher going to be with the Lord,needless to say, I was completely devastated. I wondered if I could even survive such a tragedy,much less go on in life. People told me to keep a journal,which I did,writing my thoughts each day of what I was feeling and thinking. In time,these thoughts,that were really ‘’dispatches from the valley”,that is,the ‘valley of the shadow of death” found their way to my blog and Facebook page. And soon,they were in my messages,which I effectively was preaching to myself! I had joined a club I never wanted to be a member of- parents who had children die. But I found that there were so many hurting people out there and God had given me a platform that I should use,so I wrote the book,”Hope for Hurting Hearts”. After seeing how God blessed this little book I started thinking about a film version of it. So,I spoke with my friend Dwight Thomson jr who had directed the film,”Lost Boy” about it this concept of a film for hurting people. We prayed and decided this needed to happen so we began this project that has taken around two years. Because of my schedule and speaking engagements we filmed it all around the world. Parts of HFHH were shot in Rome,Italy,New York City,Maui,Hawaii and finally California. Dwight thought we ought to add a couple of more stories to the film besides my wife Cathe’s and my story,so we contacted Nick Vujicic about being involved. Nick has an amazing testimony of how he has persevered in life,despite the severe disability of being born without limbs. Dwight also had the idea of including Jeremy Camp. Many do not know that Jeremy’s first wife Melissa died of cancer shortly after they were married.Nick and Jeremy share their amazing stories in this film. Finally,we asked “America’s doctor”,James Dobson to do the narration. He graciously agreed,and for that we are grateful. It is important to remember that this film was not made to entertain,yet I believe it has artistic integrity. It was made to help people in pain. And I have found that there are many,many people like that all around us. You might even be one of them. Hope for Hurting Hearts will be showing in all morning services in a condensed form at both Harvest/Riverside and Orange County. We will show the full-length version tonight in both campus’s as well at 7:00 PM. At the Riverside campus,I will be joined by Nick Vujicic who will make an appearance. We will also be joined by Philip LaRue who will perform one of the songs featured in the film. I am sorry but there will be no webcast today or tonight. But the film will be webcast at a later date that I will alert you to and it will be available for purchase soon. But if you want to see the film,join us TODAY at Harvest. For more info,go to
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 13:29:04 +0000

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