Grief. No-one is immune from the heartache of grief. We all - TopicsExpress


Grief. No-one is immune from the heartache of grief. We all suffer it, whether rich or poor, powerful or weak, in different ways and in different times. But whatever it is, and why ever it was, we must not let it consume us. Our Lord sent down grief as a test, and the successful ones are those who confidently embrace it. Of course this is not easy. Grief is without doubt devastatingly powerful, and it would be folly to belittle it. Think of the one who marries someone they love so much, or has a child whom they love even more. And then they pass. Afterwards, some people try to recover. With great difficulty, yes, but they try to move on, indeed perhaps to bigger and better things. But think of some of the work of a grieving superstar, artist, poet, inventor, scholar. You will see with all of them that despite the value of their genius, they would trade every single bit of their stroke, their verse, their gift and skill to have just one more hour with their beloved. Just one hour. Wont the Anti-Christ use that exact grief to lead a man to swap his Islam for just another moment with his deceased parents? No value can be put on that hour. Why? Because they are *grieving*. The normal rules of exchange dont apply. Because grief transcends value. A man would give entire nations to lift the grief of his heart but you cant buy anything with grief. You know why? Because ultimately grief is worthless. Do you understand that? However big, however painful, however necessary for our hearts grief is, it is worthless. Grief is part and parcel of life and we *must* learn to accept that, however difficult it will be. That doesnt mean you have to be strong and pretend it doesnt exist. Your tears, your weakness, your grief are what makes you human. No man was considered a better one for not grieving, but it must be done with an open heart and full eyes whilst maintaining balance and perspective and then quickly move on, not allowing it to ruin the rest of their lives. We all *must* move on. The Prophets moved on. Our Messenger moved on. The Companions after him moved on. And Allah wants *us* to move on as well, and for this we will receive better and that which is ever-lasting in the Hereafter. And from the best of this reward, will be no more of that which hurts are so bad: grief. So no fear will be upon them, and they will not grieve. (Al-Quran)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:32:06 +0000

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