Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the - TopicsExpress


Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption Eph 4:30 I am led to ask myself today, How often do I grieve the Holy Spirit? Perhaps, you will join me in searching our hearts today. My friends, searching ones heart in this manner, takes courage. I pray, we have such courage! The Holy Spirit knows of no pain, no suffering, no disease; yet, here we are told He knows of grief! And, to think, it is us; who, at times, brings Him such grief! His grief goes beyond anything we know as grief; for everything of the Holy Spirit goes beyond what we as mere men may feel. His love is eternal, His love is infinite, His love is Sovereign, His love is everlasting, His love is a love which cannot be dissolved, His love is a love that will never decrease! How often has He compelled us to pray in earnest, but, we brushed Him aside with a half-hearted response of Lord, you know all things; you dont need me, take care of it! And thereby, we grieve the Holy Spirit! How often has He whispered a word of encouragement into our ears; but, we were so full of self-pity that we ignored His comforting voice. Because, Truth be known, we took more pleasure in the arms of chaos, than resting in His precious Hand? And thereby, we grieve the Holy Spirit! How often has He taken the tongs of the altar and touched our lips with words straight from glory meant to edify others; but, yet, because we were so absorbed by our own understanding of who deserved those words; we let them fall to the ground? And thereby, we grieve the Holy Spirit! How often, do we each day resist Him? Yet, He persists! He will not let us go! Even, when we sought to thrust ourselves into the fires of hell; He plucked us from their burning flames! Even, when we bashed ourselves against the rocks of sin; even, when we trashed ourselves with guilt and shame; He did not deny us His Love! Even, when we scorned and scoffed at His tugging; He would not violate that three-fold cord which constantly kept drawing us to Jesus and the Cross! Oh, how often, we grieve Him; my friends; But yet, He will never leave us, nor forsake us!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:33:47 +0000

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