Group Dynamics & Cohesion of the Kansas City Royals A number of - TopicsExpress


Group Dynamics & Cohesion of the Kansas City Royals A number of researchers have focused on group dynamics--the interaction of individuals who depend on each other, who assist each other and who rely on each other to accomplish a mutual task. This research identifies that where theres a group, there is likely cohesion. However, cohesion can occur regardless of how well the individuals like one another. A group can be bound by their tasks and affection and respect for each other, or conversely, they can be bound by their tasks and their dislike of one another. Interestingly, either case can lead to success of the team. Case in point, the New York Yankees baseball team of 1978, well-know for discord and even hate amongst members, but who as a whole exhibited amazing task cohesion. With a 100-63 season, they won their third American League title. The Royals are just the opposite of the 1978 Yankees, as they seem to have genuine affection and respect of each other. GO KANSAS CITY ROYALS! amzn/1500232955
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:36:12 +0000

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