Group Input Needed: 4 years ago my now ex husband walked out on - TopicsExpress


Group Input Needed: 4 years ago my now ex husband walked out on my daughter and me. A little background on him: For 3 years he was uninterested in our daughter, got her maybe once a month, and rarely called. He has lived in 7 different places (3 with different women), been engaged twice, and gave up his rights to his other daughter who was born in January. He has a domestic violence charge against him from his ex fiancé and for the 71/2 years we were married was verbally abusive to my daughter and I and continues to be with me. This past May he took me to court for visitation which happened to be 2 weeks before I was to be remarried. He was rewarded standard visitation; every other weekend, every other Thursday evening for a few hour, and alternating holidays. My daughter has not done well with this new schedule and I recently learned not to ever talk about her feelings with him because he is confrontational and she is scared to talk to him. She has missed out on numerous activities and recently missed out on the reception that followed her dance recital because he had somewhere to be (he knew about it 4 months in advance). My daughter comes home most every time she is with him saying he doesnt spend time with her and there have been many instances he will be at work all weekend or playing paintball or something and she is left with the new step mom. The breaking point for me was this past Christmas he went out if town with his new wife and chose to not utilize some if his scheduled time with his daughter (Christmas Eve and 2 other days). He decided to get her the 28th and had her until the 31st. During that time he had to work everyday and she was left with her stepmom. The worst part wasa on the 31st my 10 year old was left alone with her 11 year old stepsister from around 7 that morning to 1 in the afternoon; which is completely unacceptable to me especially when I stay home and can keep her. I recently talked with a lawyer and he wants to file a first right to refusal paper so that one: she cant be left alone and 2: he is unable to constantly leave her with his wife when her mom (me) is available when hes working. Has anyone done this before and what is your opinion on it? I know that I would probably have to do it as wel but I dont work and my husband and I try to schedule things when shes with him anyways. Thanks for any suggestions or input!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:06:08 +0000

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