Group input needed: Anyone want to give their hand at Narc - TopicsExpress


Group input needed: Anyone want to give their hand at Narc Decoding this??? My original email to xN: Is it arranged that *babysitter* (or someone on the pickup list) will be picking *DD2* up from school tomorrow, since your parenting time begins immediately after school? Please confirm by 8am tomorrow (1/13/2014) morning, otherwise I will assume not and I will pick her up and take her back to my house. Wednesday I will pick *DD2* up at *babysitter*s at 4pm and *DD1* up at daycare at 4pm. Monday the 20th is a day off school. Will you be working this day? I only ask so I know where to pick them up at 9am. Please let me know by 8am Friday (01/17/2014). Otherwise I will assume you are working and will be at *babysitter*s at 9am. Thank you. XNs reponse: Dont you have anyone else to email rather than your ex-husband everyday? Asking questions you know the answer to? Stop making things difficult. It is the same it has been for 2 years. Yes *DD2* will be picked up. Have I ever had you pick her up for me? NO. So stop trying to change things. Stop setting ridiculous timelines that mean nothing. It is not your day, you do not have my permission to pick up the girls. Your comment about someone being on the approved list is irrelevant. Only people on the list can pick them up and the teachers know *babysitter* by name from picking the girls up for years. If it is my day and it starts immediately after school then why would you assume you could pick up *DD2*? Your second paragraph contradicts the first paragraph. Your entire email is more proof that you are operating only on spite and making things difficult on purpose. The Past 2 weeks we each have not had a midweek visit. (Note: because of holidays and our winter storm) I think it would be easier on everyone if we tried eliminating the overnight midweek. My reply to xN? Thank you for letting me know *babysitter* will be picking up *DD2* from school. and yes, he ended an entire rant about me trying to change things......with a request to change things.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:56:13 +0000

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