*Growing Pains* =========== May Designs wasn’t always the - TopicsExpress


*Growing Pains* =========== May Designs wasn’t always the business that is is now. It started as more of a side project or hobby for Mica– back in the early days she designed every book herself out of her living room and she didnt have a fancy website. Over the past few years, we’ve grown up. We’re legit now. We have a growing team, a beautiful studio office, new technology, and were even featured on Oprah’s Favorite Things list. But there are a few areas where we have not quite caught up with this growth curve. One in particular is kind of technical and hard to understand – but it has caused enough problems the past couple months and it is time for us to rip off the bandaid and fix it: the DNS provider behind our website needs a major upgrade, and we’re doing it tonight. *If you’re into geeky stuff…* ------------------------------ DNS is kind of like an address book for the Internet. It tells your computer where to find our servers when you put maydesigns into your browser. Grown up companies use grown up DNS providers to handle this for them. We’ve been using a free service that we inherited when we bought our domain name a couple years ago. And that free service has been super flaky lately. So we’re starting the switch to a new DNS provider (Amazon) late tonight, and it’s going to make our site much more stable going forward, but its going to mean some downtime. As a side note, we would be able to make this switch seamlessly, but our current DNS provider, enom, doesn’t make that possible. We’ve been waiting for a good time to bite the bullet and make the switch, and now that time has come. *MayDesigns will be down-ish for a couple days* ----------------------------------------------------------- Here’s what this means for you: 1. If you are lucky, our website will just keep working for you 2. If you are not, our website will seem down to you for a few hours or even days, until your computer gets our new entry in the DNS “address book” The crazy thing about DNS is that, while our website won’t be down, it will seem down to some people, depending on where they are in the world and who their Internet provider is. *Make the Internet faster and solve all the world’s problems* ------------------------------------------------ Maybe this won’t solve ALL the world’s problems, but it will make it so our site doesn’t go down for you and it will make the entire Internet a little faster too: just switch your computer to use Google’s DNS. Google is generally way more on top of things than everyone else, and they provide a free DNS service that actually speeds up the whole Internet. This LifeHacker article explains why it’s awesome: lifehacker/5835775/google-dns-and-opendns-users-are-getting-a-web-speed-boost If you follow the instructions linked in the article, our site should stay up and running for you through the transition. *We’ll be back by Christmas* ------------------------------- Even if you don’t change your computer’s settings and you are on the crummiest Internet service provider ever, our site should be back up and running for you before Christmas. Thank you so very much for all your business this season -- and dont worry, our customer service and social media teams are still here and running! We are here to answer any order or product questions -- but our offices will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. So enjoy your time with family and friends these next few days, and a better, more grown-up May Designs website will be here to greet you soon!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:08:38 +0000

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