Growing in Spirit By: Irish D. Torres For many sportily-motivated - TopicsExpress


Growing in Spirit By: Irish D. Torres For many sportily-motivated individuals, growing up would mean physical improvement wherein their body parts and physical strength are fully developed in order to suit with the kind of sport that they would be dealing with. For some, growing up would mean intellectual progress wherein they could improve their way of thinking and sound judgment on the kind of sports or activities that they are dealing with and with the underlying principles that they had in their minds. Growing up, for some, would mean emotional maturity wherein they prioritize their affective dimensions on their choice of actions or sports, in a way that their comfort zones are given emphasis. But do you know what’s the most important type of growth or act of growing up in our lives? It’s just too simple to trace out, but it’s difficult to stand with if you’re not determined- it’s growth in spirit. Growth in spirit would not only allow us to exert sufficient physical efforts, but it would enable us to see achievements and victories as gifts sent from Above. It does not only make us as self-fulfilling individuals, but it would mold us as socially-concerned citizens. It does not only prioritize our ideals of achieving honor and dignity for our own selves, but it would enable us to seek the benefit of the majority and try to comply on their necessities as human beings. Moreover, growth in spirit would encourage us to grow in love, faith, and hope, and live with perseverance and patience. It would mold us to accept whatever opportunities life would give us, and to what destination it would lead us. Growth in Spirit would enrich our mercy towards our fellow, and would gradually cast our grudges and hate. Furthermore, Growth in Spirit is the sturdiest growth that would give us the power to withstand all the obstacles that we are going through, and to make our duties for our fellow and for our society prerequisite in our existence here on earth. As we breathe the morning breeze, let’s not hesitate to grow in spirit, in thought, and in heart.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:35:50 +0000

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