Growing up I never imagined that most of my family outside of my - TopicsExpress


Growing up I never imagined that most of my family outside of my wife and Mom and literally like 5ish others outside those two would straight up reject me or just have no interest in me in any way shape or form. And for no possible reason that I actually deserve.... I didnt think Id have to face impending loneliness with my Moms health not doing so well so soon... And I didnt think my closest family namely my wife Lindsay would be subject to this rejection as well because of circumstances outside of her control. Because of a total lack of any effort whatsoever of others to communicate there issues with her or any effort to understand what there family member they supposedly love or (maybe) loved at one point is going through. We havent been perfect and havent made many family functions. But maybe just possibly theres a real reason for that. And not one that takes up any issue with our loved ones. Maybe that would cause family to inquire. But nope it just causes family to reject and/or ignore. Im not saying this for pity or to stick it to anyone really. I doupt my family sees my posts or are even on my friends list... That Im aware of... At least the ones who most exemplify this activity or inactivity... Im just venting publicly which is something I never do... But Im getting to a point where Im tired of all the bs... I have 2 family members who refuse to talk to me even when I address them directly... I know I dont deserve that... Not from any human being... I deserve punishment for sin towards God from God but He chooses to give me grace that I dont deserve... But from humans naw screw that... I dont deserve your judgement... Anyways thats my vent... I probably wont bring this up again... If your thinking Im talking about you Im probably not... The ones who I mostly am talking about are not on my friends list and wont accept my friend requests
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:13:35 +0000

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