Growing up, ive often had the same reoccuring dream. Id be - TopicsExpress


Growing up, ive often had the same reoccuring dream. Id be standing on a bridge, looking over the edge into a grey lake, when i see a woman standing with her body almost limp at the waters edge. I watch as she slowly sways back and forth; her long, silvery-blonde hair being tossed as the wind blows about her. I feel a sense of curiosity wash over me and i step down the hill beside the bridge and slink as silently as i can to a twisted looking tree just behind the woman. As i step closer to the tree, i notice that the woman has begun to brush her hands along the surface of the dark water, still swaying gently. I peek out between the low hanging branches and watch as she begins to shake, as if she were crying. I try to urge myself forward, to ask her whats wrong, but just as i take a breath, she stands up and faces the tree i stand behind. Her face looks normal enough for less than a moment before her once soft fratures seem to vanish and are replaced with a half decomposed mess. Half of her skin seems to melt off and her eyes sink so far into her skull they are nearly gone. In my horror, i fall back against the cold ground. Her emotionless face slowly turns into a devilish scowl and she dropped her disconnecting jaw to release an ear splitting shreak that shakes me out of my frozen terror and i begin to scramble my way back toward the bridge in some delusional belief that it can somehow be my sanctuary. As i scrape at the hillside in a frenzy of flailing arms, i feel my hair being pulled with such force my entire body lifts off of the ground. Screams rupture my throat and i grab at my scalp in hopes that i could keep it attached while i dangled in the air. I peak, half-heartedly to my right to see the woman holding me with one hand, her broken face forming a shattered smile. "Come with me," she whispers, her breath smelling of dirt and death. I grip tighter on my skull as she drags me along the ground and toward the now black water. I attempt to scream as the water rises around my body until it begins to fill my lungs and cut off my useless cries for help. I desperately dig at the water around me in an effortless attempt to break free of the hand pulling me deeper into the lake. My lungs fill rapidly once i give up on holding my breath. I know im going to die... But just before i do... My dream ends. This, is probably the only dream that has ever haunted me. - Wikked
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 23:01:05 +0000

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